Politics The Biden thread

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Well got that one wrong, you need the pilots first and I doubt any of them would fire on a fellow citizen, probably arrest his ass for high treason.

Oh they would.

They absolutely would.

Look no further back than the lockdowns and the police enforced curfews. Or the unhinged tik-tok rants by reserve/NG saying "if I tell you to do something, either you do it or I shoot you".
Oh they would.

They absolutely would.

Look no further back than the lockdowns and the police enforced curfews. Or the unhinged tik-tok rants by reserve/NG saying "if I tell you to do something, either you do it or I shoot you".
Constitution wise no Military person has the authority to shoot or injure an American citizen no matter who the commander in chief is or what he or any other elected tells them to do. This is why you never see the military involved in any riots or citizen affairs. On every occasion I can remember National Guard people were used for riot control such as the black riots in the 60s. The one occasion I did see illegal use was when JFK used the 101st to escort the first black students to school after the courts finally committed or completed the true end of the civil war, but all our Presidents are over stepping their authority simply because it benefits them in some way. In the future I think if the military would take up arms against citizens they would be put down by state militia and citizens. It will never happen because we will always have someone high in the ranks that would refuse to order his command to do so. On the other hand a good example of overstepping authority was the Waco incident where they did use personnel and even a Tank to burn women and children to death and of course a democrat a-hole the perv himself was in charge or his man-woman AG.

That was one time those responsible should have been charged with murder, but the youth of today have no knowledge because they do not teach history nor do they broadcast any anniversary of a pure and simple slaughter of innocent people. They got their ass shot up because they illegally entered their domain without a proper warrant, the warrant was an arrest warrant for 1 individual that could have and should have been served on the one individual while he was running each and every morning which they knew beforehand, they wanted to go around the warrant and get inside. I am glad they shot the hell out of that bunch of jack booted thugs that were brought in from out side the state, every time I see them rolling off that roof I smile. After this was over with and all burned alive the congress and senate were all standing around slapping each other on the back laughing and even giggling on open mike. I hate democrats to the core, they are what we see today and it will get worse but I don't believe they will attempt to use the military because they would most likely become the ones under the gun. Until the citizen brings the pay down for a congressman or woman and the senate to status of a working person, then we would see people who want to do something for America, not get rich which is what all these people are doing today.
Since the dawn of time through to 1848 and the Holocaust history has proven that yes, the vast majority would.

"Simply following orders"

Even easier to do from 20,000 feet up.
Most people believe we keep a large Military when in fact we don't. Certainly not enough to over run 350 plus million American citizens. You never hear a word from state militias, that's because they don't want to be in the spotlight and they are paying attention to everything that goes on in the country. They are citizens and have one mission which is to protect all the things that we see our elected not protect. You can bet should something so huge as our military attacking citizens it would come to a very fast end. The militias are legal and allowed by the constitution as the safe guard against tyranny. I'm sure there are a lot of people elected that have no idea we even have our own over watch in every state. I never thought I would ever see such open targeting of a political opponent as these democrats have done over the past 20 years so that they could rule us not govern but rule, and that is their goal. One day they will feel frog-gy and give it a try, but it won't be the person or persons responsible doing the bleeding or the dying , those people will be in a bunker giggling and laughing. I do think they are stupid enough to try something or anything when we all show such weakness they can't contain themselves any longer. Hopefully this bunch we see today like piglosi and shumer and the rest will all be spitting dirt. The chances of something bad happening will be much less with all of them gone. I hope I outlive them to see the outcome. It will take a very long time to get all these illegals out of our country and if they don't do that then all is lost because they will hand them all a card to vote. That would be a good time to have a civil war.
I feel like we dramatically underestimate how power-hungry some people are and/or can be.

It took covid as an example, but I could also take the way demonstrations are dealt with in France (though France is France, and the US are the US). Some will step aside and refuse to obey, but some will obey. Wether because they are or feel pressured to, or simply because they want to.
Some people crave it, they want it. Even if it means cracking down on people who "could be their friends/neighbors/family members".

In France you have had old people and kids shot at with rubber bullets and sprayed with tear gas and pepper spray.
And...... if you actively discourage military recruitment amongst the citizenry, especially those darn White males and those Southern White males who made up a lot of the best career contingent in the military; you now have an excuse to bring in foreigners and illegal aliens into the military.. What will their attitudes be if they are told to suppress the citizenry?
And...... if you actively discourage military recruitment amongst the citizenry, especially those darn White males and those Southern White males who made up a lot of the best career contingent in the military; you now have an excuse to bring in foreigners and illegal aliens into the military.. What will their attitudes be if they are told to suppress the citizenry?

Well, they still have free-will.

But the big factor would be the way they are taught to perform their duty and in what way the "enemy" has been defined.

Following the progressive, inclusive, sensitivity trainings: anybody who is white is de-facto a threat.
Christian? Likely a threat.
Living in given areas of the country? Likely a threat.
Political affiliations? That would require deeper policing, but clearly an indication of the threat.

"Why are white males angry?" said Miley.

Well, are they? All of them, or just some? Are white females angry as well?
What about black males?

If illegals are also made to believe "these are not my people", "they don't like me, they hate me", "they want to hurt me and my family", etc... well... it removes the incentives. Why would these new recruits care about people they were told would try to hurt/kill them on any given occasion?
Sadly society votes away freedom easily.

Invited in under the cloak of safety measures, surveillance of bank accounts as recenly uncovered in the US of anything trump and what you type in the internet. But where are prison cells for those who do it? Plenty for any who simply wandered into the capitol.
Taxcindy gets half a million every year from our budget to promote it....the Christchurch call = surveillance of the net. Miss ban this and that totalitarian.... ban smokes, guns and illegal stay home get vacinated or fired decrees
The support shown in Paris for the Christchurch Call on 15 May 2019 was just the first step. Since then, other countries and online service providers have joined the Christchurch Call. Along with civil society organisations and other partners, they form an active community that works together to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online.
Oddly France seems to be her main collaborator and didn't take their police much to flip into the gestapo role and given a target some time ago as evidence. Hong Kong police never went on strike. The life attracts a certain type regardless of race..Christian or Confucian.
Its the police and the legal system like they are using now...just extending it all day by day. Then voila totalitarian life and them telling us its good for us.
Affirm that, but it got me wondering, and after about three seconds, I found this, https://www.thehivelaw.com/blog/which-political-party-started-the-most-wars/ which tells me
Democratic Party: 7 wars
Republican Party: 5 wars

So, the Dems lead for warmongering.

the War of 1812
the Mexican-American War
the Spanish-American War
World War I
World War II
the Korean War
the Vietnam War

American Civil War
the Gulf War
the War in Afghanistan
the Iraq War
the War on Terror
Yeah i came across that same site but as usual i got the answer " your source is not reliable"...🙄😒
Yeah i came across that same site but as usual i got the answer " your source is not reliable"...🙄😒
Why do you even bother talking to these people? They don't want to have a discussion, they just want to hear that their own truths are correct. Discussion means accepting beforehand that you might be proven wrong.
And...... if you actively discourage military recruitment amongst the citizenry, especially those darn White males and those Southern White males who made up a lot of the best career contingent in the military; you now have an excuse to bring in foreigners and illegal aliens into the military.. What will their attitudes be if they are told to suppress the citizenry?
I was kicking that thought around when I answered this question. They have been allowing foreign nationals to enlist and they get an auto citizenship after discharge. I do believe that some of them would shoot a citizen but I still say it would be one and game over for who ever did it. It is insulting to see foreigners in our military. Both parties were involved in killing the draft and it will never ever be successful again to raise a fighting Army. You would see a line heading for Canada as it was during the Vietnam war, they know sooner or later some politician like Jimmy Carter would allow them to come home with no charges. Slick willy was overseas in college and he made sure he had no return mail address so he would miss the draft notice. I feel pretty sure the administrators of his college helped him.
The leftist media is in full swing now that election time has began, one of their favorites for the week has been "Texas Military Department" tag trying to degrade the normal title of State Police or Texas Ranger or our national guard or air guard. You can tell they really are trying to scare these low brow morons. Totally criminal what these people do each and every time they air.
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I love how they constantly project.
I never watch or listen to that moron, I have a very deep hatred for those that are born from non American even if they were born here they still hate America. Scary when you know that woman had people imprisoned as AG of commiefornia. They still keep crying democracy when attempting to describe our Republic. The only criminals I see are them !!!
Why do you even bother talking to these people? They don't want to have a discussion, they just want to hear that their own truths are correct. Discussion means accepting beforehand that you might be proven wrong.

It’s the purpose of any forums of course and including this one. Talking to lefties/wokists is a waste of time because they’ll be right and if you dare challenge them you are, not necessarily a Nazi but at least some middle aged privileged White man. The kind of people that need being erased from History.

One important point here is playing the race card all the time. Never, ever in history have “minorities” (I even dislike that word) been equal to whites. I’m thinking of the rightful feminists struggle of our grandmas post the war, that women have a right to vote, drive and work (being independent) which todays feminists have given up to again blame the likes of Gerard Depardieu and his admittedly lewd terms to talk about women instead of blaming who we know for the Cologne mass rapes, Hamas atrocities etc.

Same pattern about all this.
Since the dawn of time through to 1848 and the Holocaust history has proven that yes, the vast majority would.

"Simply following orders"

Even easier to do from 20,000 feet up.
especially if the people you are about to pull the trigger on have been completely dehumanized, and the side you are pulling the trigger for has painted itself as the forces of light and good, and the other side is of course reprehensible and evil...
Constitution wise no Military person has the authority to shoot or injure an American citizen no matter who the commander in chief is or what he or any other elected tells them to do. This is why you never see the military involved in any riots or citizen affairs. On every occasion I can remember National Guard people were used for riot control such as the black riots in the 60s. The one occasion I did see illegal use was when JFK used the 101st to escort the first black students to school after the courts finally committed or completed the true end of the civil war, but all our Presidents are over stepping their authority simply because it benefits them in some way. In the future I think if the military would take up arms against citizens they would be put down by state militia and citizens. It will never happen because we will always have someone high in the ranks that would refuse to order his command to do so. On the other hand a good example of overstepping authority was the Waco incident where they did use personnel and even a Tank to burn women and children to death and of course a democrat a-hole the perv himself was in charge or his man-woman AG.

That was one time those responsible should have been charged with murder, but the youth of today have no knowledge because they do not teach history nor do they broadcast any anniversary of a pure and simple slaughter of innocent people. They got their ass shot up because they illegally entered their domain without a proper warrant, the warrant was an arrest warrant for 1 individual that could have and should have been served on the one individual while he was running each and every morning which they knew beforehand, they wanted to go around the warrant and get inside. I am glad they shot the hell out of that bunch of jack booted thugs that were brought in from out side the state, every time I see them rolling off that roof I smile. After this was over with and all burned alive the congress and senate were all standing around slapping each other on the back laughing and even giggling on open mike. I hate democrats to the core, they are what we see today and it will get worse but I don't believe they will attempt to use the military because they would most likely become the ones under the gun. Until the citizen brings the pay down for a congressman or woman and the senate to status of a working person, then we would see people who want to do something for America, not get rich which is what all these people are doing today.
lets recall how many American citizens have been droned out of existence, despite not having been deemed guilty by any court of law.
something something about a "slippery slope", and something else about "precedent" etc etc
I woke up at 4am and turned on early news and on ABC all they could talk about was how great our economy is and it exceeded expectations. I don't know what country they live in but it's pure unadulterated BS. Car dealers have millions in inventory they can't sell because the cost is so high no one can afford it. Groceries continue to change price every few weeks and still climbing to an all time high. The answer is very clear, we have entered election cycle and the BS will be spread all over the air waves with msm attempting to sway the vote again. It won't work this time because no one believes the crap they're pushing. It's like someone flipped a switch and from now on until election time we will be bombarded with nothing but lies and more reruns of people who worked for Trump charged and convicted for not answering his call to testify so now he has 4 months jail time. Under appeal to the supreme court along with Steve Banion who pretty much told them to kiss his ass. And why not, if the AG can ignore a subpoena like Eric Holder did how can they charge a citizen for the same. Charges should have been leveled for gun running causing the death of a border patrol officer. Republicans are too busy as usual to take care of business and really it is the same old song. We will be lucky to get Trump elected again, but in the end if they screw Trump again the party is going to collapse and two democratic parties will exist. In the end open warfare will break out. Just too many people getting filthy rich in our congress and senate.
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On par with his usual performance, maybe a little worse, but not by much. It should be obvious to everyone that he's not the one calling the shots.
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