Still not addressing the core issue of the problem though...
Tell me how it benefits the American Taxpayer for there Taxes to pay the Pensions for Ukrainians ..
When there is a shortfall of 1.4trillion
The Biden admin is currently funding the Ukraine more than its own country. Roads are in a dreadful state of disrepair, train derailments are pilling up, prices are up, wages are down, etc... and that's not even considering other issues.
Meanwhile planeloads of taxpayer money are being sent abroad for things that will remain broadly inconsequential to the American people, and likely won't be invested properly by the recipients.
Sure the UK funded its nascent NHS thanks to the Marshall Plan, but it would be disingenuous to compare the UK post WW2 to Ukraine. These two are vastly different and are absolutely not even remotely close to one another. Even if Ukraine manages to pull out some magic card out of its sleeve and win the war, pushing Russia all the way back to its 1991 borders, the money is lost.
It's funny how, prior to 2022, Ukraine was one of the most, if not the most, corrupt country in Europe, or perhaps the world, to the point of making the headlines and covers of many a publication.
Ukraine physically spiked its inflation to the tune of 10% by printing over 402B UAH, in order to be able to pay the minimum wages outside ZSU. This was however not at all reflected by the kafkaian exchange rate. Ukrainian economy seems to be an absolute black hole.
These 402UAH apparently were used to pad the GDP (hence the low 30,4% loss of GDP) stats. The mechanism didn’t trigger inflation or even exchange rate.
The rate only blew when Fitch trashed Ukraine's rating in July 2022. Then the EU and other creditors decided to bail out Ukraine by freezing the repayments in order to not force a default. However, Ukraine still kept printing money physically.
The money per se is not a real problem, Ukraine gets free cash in all forms. However the printing of physical money to the tune of 10% GDP is extremely weird as physical money is money laundering 101. Which is probably the best way to do it with these amounts.
Ukraine made up its own rules and apparently everyone is playing along. I am sure Greece is happy to see that somethings can be done for others…