Politics The Biden thread

Sooooo.... If one of the 5 most tech savvy organizations in the world, if not the most tech savvy organization in the world in that they have to deal with physical stuff and real world customer satisfaction in conjunction with tech stuff, says that voting must be in person to be legitimately free and fair, I would actually say that their statement is correct. The sad/disgusting part about it is that they're part of the group who are de-platforming those who originally said the same thing. Also, I'm willing to bet that everyone who is voting will have to show an Amazon employee ID to boot.

Straight out of Mugabe's playbook!! :o

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Do y'all remember when the world said that Trump was crazy because he said that Covid came out of a lab at Wuhan:

Fast forward to now. A former Biden/Clinton aide who just happens to work for WHO says the following:

Also, this little study that has gotten no publicity:

In other words, Trump was right given the information that was available to him. Now that he's gone and Biden is in place, it's absolutely freaking amazing that Trump is turning out to be right about many things. It's almost like the news media was hiding key data to help get Biden elected.
What do some folks in the Texas county having given trump the highest scores think?

These are the decent folks that make most of the Trump electorate. They love their country more than they do some individual. They´re disspointed as all people whose candidate lost an election can be, but it´s country first.

I really hope the dems don´t go forward with the impeachement in the Senate. Trump´s popularity crashed in January, he´s done...it´s over.

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Did I read Zimbabwe and Venezuela? notworthy;
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"Vote for Biden and we will gibe you gift cards!"
And gullible, credulous and naive fools gobbled it up.

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It's disruptive enough for reserve component personnel to be called up even when it's necessary. A lot of these Guardsmen, particularly the officers, senior NCOs, and high skill enlisted take pay cuts when put on active duty. Additionally, a lot of reservists in the US are students. Being called up delays their graduation at least a semester, and possibly a full year if the courses don't fall into the right sequence. To be called up because someone wants to create a false impression of civil disturbance and play politics is simply inexcusable. Additionally, many of these same Guardsmen probably saw the need to be called up during last summer's disturbances to help protect their cities and yet that call never came.
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Thought I'd share this . Imagine if this had happened in the summer ? It seems the CNN s of this world have only started reporting the story a few hours ago and seem to be downplaying it as an " incident to be investigated " . Don't know the news cycles in the US but I hazard a guess this would have been wall to wall a few months ago .
What can I say except... This is Biden America!

w00p w00p
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Around 5k National Guards will remain in DC all the way through mid-March during Trump's impeachment.

What was that about "Mugabe"/"Maduro"/etc... again, @Telmar ?
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Thought I'd share this . Imagine if this had happened in the summer ? It seems the CNN s of this world have only started reporting the story a few hours ago and seem to be downplaying it as an " incident to be investigated " . Don't know the news cycles in the US but I hazard a guess this would have been wall to wall a few months ago .

I hope the police cruiser was not damaged.
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Biden and the Dems are moral rebukes.
They haven't said a single thing about China treatment of the Uighur.

They have nothing but contempt for actual rule of law, due process and decency.
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Somebody said Mugabe? Maduro? Hitler? @Telmar ?
What we expected:


What we got:

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