I don't get it. Most Taiwanese don't want to become CCP citizens.
I've been to Taiwan visiting a friend from Germany who worked there.
The population is pretty much Western in thinking and living. They are just a very small country and many think they will be absorbed anyway in an Event of war so why die in the process?
Although many not actively participating would die aswell.
Ah and you can speak about that topic, but you can't speak about the issue in China. Its even on a list of topics not to be touched.
Typical of commie countries the GDR also did it when dealing with the West.
But thats the end of Taiwan and its industry nothing for China to harvest there then.
How will the PLA invade without destroying Taiwan? The destruction just happens when they attack, typical Commie tactic of switching actio and reactio to justify their acations.
Also the CCP is not known for delicate and surgical dealings with opponents.
Taiwan would just need to blow up some dams in China to equal out destruction and hate.
And after destroying and killing Taiwanese lands I am sure the PLA soldiers will be warmly welcomed.
Nearly 90 percent of public identify with Taiwan: poll
Bringing Taiwan to the World and the World to Taiwan
Just a theoretical idea would the free nations declare all Chinese shipping as a target in an event of war? That would be a huge deterrent.
Also what with all the factories owned by foreign countries in China? Happy business as usual? I think not. Right now foreigners are leaving China in droves. Its a mega prison at the moment.
Anyway I know few people wanting to live or even travel there (as long as the CCP reigns). So by such an adventure it would become totally isolated.
For First Time, Half of Americans Favor Defending Taiwan If China Invades
2021 Chicago Council Survey data show a majority of Americans support a range of US policies towards Taiwan: recognition as an independent country, inclusion in international organizations, and a US-Taiwan free trade agreement.
In Taiwan, Views of Mainland China Mostly Negative
Closer Taiwan-U.S. relations largely welcomed, especially economically
There is widespread support in Taiwan for increased economic and political ties with the U.S. While many are wary of stronger political ties with mainland China, about half would favor stronger economic relations.
It wishful thinking (peaceful unification or freeing the Taiwanese from capitalism US vassal bla bla) of a country led by a party which makes 5 year plans and believes its own lies.