Photos US and South Korean Forces

Flame tank conversion of the M4A3(105)HVSS Sherman advancing on Seoul
Marines of the 1st Division cross the Han River in Amtracs. September 20, 1950
Men of the 24th Infantry Division, hitching a ride on an M45 of the 6th Tank Battalion as they advance against the North Korean forces along the Naktong river. The M45 was the infantry support variant of the M26 Pershing, and was armed with a 105 mm howitzer. September 18, 1950
Boeing B-29 Superfortress bomber from the 19th Bomb Group attacking a target in Korea. February, 1951
USN Corpsman assigned to the 1st Marine Division give first aid to a wounded North Korean. September 20, 1950
South Korean villagers cheer the men of the 32nd Regt., 7th Inf. Div. as they advance to the front 15 miles southeast of Inchon, Korea. 18 September, 1950.
Marines of the 1st Division take cover along the embankment of a road as sniper fire prevents them from marching on the road. September 17, 1950
A ROK interrogator questions two N. Korean prisoners who voluntarily surrendered to troops of the 11th Regt., 1st ROK Div. north of Taegu, Korea. 18 September, 1950
Iowa class battleship USS New Jersey (BB-62) fires a 16 in gun salvo during bombardment operations against enemy targets in Korea, adjacent to the 38th parallel, on 10 November 1951
Div Arty attached to the 1st ROK Div fire 90MM AA against the North Korean forces north of Taegu
Crew members of a USMC rocket launcher battery hold their ears and crouch to the ground as rockets are fired into the night sky
Marine infantrymen take cover behind a tank while it fires on Communist troops ahead. Hongchon Area, May 22, 1951.
Tacoma-class frigate Apnok (56) alongside Gearing-class destroyer USS Hanson (DD-832) for temporary repairs, at Wonsan harbour, Korea, on 26 May 1951, after being hit three times by North Korean shore batteries. The Hanson made temporary repairs to the hull, and furnished electrical power. The Apnok was the former USS Rockford (PF-48), which had been transferred to the South Korean navy in October 1950.
Men of the 5th Marine Regiment move toward the Han River. September 18, 1950
"Monie", a B-26B of the 37th Bomb Squadron, 17th Bombardment Group, piloted by 1st Lt Robert Mikesh. Pusan, 1952

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