by 30 points according to whom and in what situation? the primary? the general election?
I havent seen ANY poll numbers going up for Trump, except for those ones that are polling potential Trump voters in the first place, not the general public. The public perception of Trump among democraps and independent/non affiliated are just as bad as ever, and JUST like the last election, those people will be motivated to turn out to vote AGAINST him, JUST like the last time.
if the 'red wave' had actually come to fruition last November, I would be more confidant, but the fact that Trump lost already and combined with the red trickle it seems pretty obvious the conclusion.
for me, it comes down to whichever is the lesser of two evils.... one side, represents in some cases, actual (in my secular definition) evil, and the other side, more just general incompetence and buffoonery rather than actual evil...
both sides, in my estimation, are on the wrong side of most issues....