Photos FN FAL & it's derivatives around the world

You have to wonder what happened to that girl, how are things in Nicaragua, will she already be deported or exiled in another country without nationality...

A member of the Royal Canadian Dragoons Reconnaissance Squadron, deployed as part of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP), during a patrol. (DND, Library and Archives Canada)
Dutch FALO sqd wpn.......Great photo of this! Thanks for posting! (Y)
since 1954, providing His Majesty's troops...gif,01
Replaces a few things and is exactly the same equipment as a US soldier
We took our SLR to gulf war 1, we got off the herc, told to chuck our rifle in a pick up, 4 weeks later sqn Co asked what’s in that ISO, well 200 rusty SLR was the answer. So we had to clean em up, and then had weekly inspection….

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