More shamefull news about the Portuguese Navy
Sergeants say NRP Mondego anomalies were "serious risk" to crew
Today at 11:24 AM
NRP Mondego
Photo: DR
The president of the National Sergeants Association (ANS) considers that the anomalies of the ship that failed a mission north of Porto Santo because 13 elements refused to board for safety reasons represented "serious risk" to the crew.
On Saturday night, the NRP Mondego failed to carry out a mission to accompany a Russian ship north of Porto Santo island, in Madeira, because 13 elements (four sergeants and nine enlisted men) refused to embark for safety reasons.
Contacted by Lusa, the president of ANS, Lima Coelho, said that the elements concerned had already alerted to various anomalies of the ship and stressed: "this was not a crisis at the time, it was the result of many situations already experienced on board".
In declarations to Lusa, the responsible criticized the position taken by the Navy - that considered that the 13 operatives didn't fulfill the military duties and usurped functions, competences and responsibilities not inherent to the posts and positions assumed - considering that "one can't kill the messenger".
The Navy has shown more willingness to kill the messenger than to resolve the situation
"The Navy has shown more willingness to kill the messenger than to resolve the situation," he said, adding, "regardless of the rank or function we assume, we have a duty of care to our subordinates.
According to a document drawn up by the 13 soldiers, to which Lusa had access, the NRP Mondego was ordered to monitor a Russian ship north of Porto Santo at a time when weather forecasts "pointed to swell of 2.5 to 3 meters.
The military ensure that the commander of the NRP Mondego "assumed, before the garrison, that he did not feel comfortable with the technical limitations" of the ship.
Among the various technical limitations cited by the military was the fact that an engine and an electrical generator were inoperable and that the ship did not have an adequate sewage system to store oily waste on board, which accumulated in the holds, increasing the risk of fire.
It was not just a matter of the engine. The ship has several anomalies
In a note sent to Lusa news agency, the Navy confirmed that the NRP Mondego had "a malfunction in one of the engines", but assured that the mission it was going to perform was "of short duration and close to the coast, with good meteo-oceanographic conditions".
"It wasn't just an engine issue. The ship has several anomalies. If it goes to sea and has some problem, there are no outsourcing companies that can go there to solve it, it has to be whoever is there," said Lima Coelho.
The Navy, for its part, assured in the note that the warships "can operate in a very degraded mode without impact on safety," since they have "very complex and very redundant systems."
"That assessment, again, belongs to the line of command and the Material Superintendence, as the responsible technical entity. Both entities did not consider the ship to be unsafe to sail," he added.
Original article
For what i have been reading from several sources , the ship is in a miserable condition due to lack of maintenance