It really has two choices Vietnam or the Philippines. One is arming up that it has a potential to embarass China, but can be taken on. The other has virtually no defensive capability but might cause the US to get involved in. If they attack the Philippines they can gauge lightly how the US will react if it pushes for Taiwan.
One of the seperate but related items to the USAUK nuclear sub alliance is that India has been providing training for Vietnam’s Kilo class sub crews……..for a decade.
The depth and breadth of India-Vietnam bilateral military support would be super interesting to know.
A rational Philippine gov’t and a rational US gov’t are natural allies despite a rocky past.
The culture and people of both countries also represent a natural partnership due to the long history and above average common ground,
US and Vietnam also have promise as natural friends, if not allies, with some horrible history that both sides know could have and should have been avoided.
The real interesting questions are how bilateral partnerships evolve between Vietnam-Japan and Philippines-Japan.
Those are potentially very important.
Im left thinking of a contradiction: a loose alliance of non-aligned nations such as India, Vietnam, Philippines and perhaps Malaysia and/or Indonesia.
It could be called “the countries afraid of China but are afraid of officially joining an afraid of China alliance“
Cambodia and increasingly Thailand appear to be falling within China’s orbit.
South Korea appears to be tooling up but keeping its mouth shut to avoid China influencing North Korea the wrong way.
A move that displays rapid persistent dominance of the South China Sea that sees one or more regional nations receive a small bloody nose and a big hit to ego(submission) is what I think will inevitably happen.