Photos WW2 Soviet Forces

Soviet soldiers in Vyborg in front of the Vyborg castle with a camouflaged 45-mm anti-tank gun. June 1944.

Soviet soldier from the 23rd Army, wounded during the fighting for Vuosalmi. Leningrad region, Vyborgsky district, Druzhnoe, July 1944. Most likely a tanker - his face and hands were burnt

Squadron commanders of the 957th Assault Aviation Regiment are studying a map of the combat area. Karelia, Olonetsky district, Vidlitsa airfield, 1944.

From left to right: the commander of the 3rd squadron, senior lieutenant A.A. Efanov, commander of the 2nd squadron, senior lieutenant S.I. Gavrichenko.

Pilots of the 1st Squadron of the 609th Fighter Aviation Regiment at the airfield at the Hawker Hurricane MkII after a sortie in the Medvezhyegorsk direction. Karelian front, Afrikand airfield (Murmansk region), summer 1942.

Pilot of the 957th Assault Aviation Regiment, Deputy Commander of the 3rd Squadron, Senior Lieutenant Alexander Antonovich Efanov in the cockpit of the Il-2 aircraft. Leningrad region, Tikhvin district, Shugozero airfield, January-February 1944.


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