Anti-aircraft gun mod. 1931 76 mm, "3K". It looked like it was firing (on the left a whole stack of spent cartridges).


More anti-aircraft gunners. Anti-aircraft machine gun quadruple mounts Maxim "4M", 7.62 mm. It looks like they were also firing - the spent tape of one of the machine guns hangs down to the ground.


The Finns have captured yet another "battle banner". Fortunately, the Battle Banner of the 43rd SD was saved. Despite the commander's betrayal, the remnants of the division made their way to Koivisto and were evacuated to Leningrad by ships of the Baltic Fleet. Soon the 43rd Rifle Division will again meet with the Finns, but this time in Lembolovo, in the Karelian fortified region. The Finns got a souvenir - a gift from the "chiefs" - the workers' trade union of the city of Velikiye Luki.
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The prisoners, seized by grief in disorganized and demoralized columns, sleep right on the ground. A "paradise" of Finnish concentration camps awaits them - in 1941 and 1942, the death rate there significantly exceeded the Nazi camps.

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The prisoners are being led to the rear. The second photo shows that the same column is different. In the photo, everything, as always, depends on the angle.

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Strong look. He, unlike General Kirpichnikov, retained his own dignity in captivity.

View attachment 306223
I am actually created couple of posts about finish concentration camps here and in the finish army thread but they were deleted
looks like some finnish admin was offended and/оr fin-loving snitch complained about me
I think this is not a good thing, it is not fair to the participants. There is no filter for obscene words here, so your version is most likely wrong. Personally, I try to cover the topics that I undertake to the maximum and from all sides. This is history and events cannot be thrown out of it. You can only dispel the lie about certain facts - and this was also here. Finnish atrocities on Soviet territory are a documented fact.
Переселенческий лагерь. Вход в лагерь и разговор через проволоку запрещены под угрозой расстрела.

Resettlement camp of the Finnish invaders. Entering the camp and talking through the wire is prohibited under threat of execution.

I think this is not a good thing, it is not fair to the participants. There is no filter for obscene words here, so your version is most likely wrong. Personally, I try to cover the topics that I undertake to the maximum and from all sides. This is history and events cannot be thrown out of it. You can only dispel the lie about certain facts - and this was also here. Finnish atrocities on Soviet territory are a documented fact.
Ваня,ты слишком мал и белозуб,и не видал больших...количеств финов на военно исторических форумах:D
Finnish atrocities is real and well documented fact.But let me tell you a little about finnish version of the history, in the Finnish version of the history, they bravely stand against evil red empire.They really belive that so-called Continuasion War was correct and fair measure.Аnd while fighting there they never performed any kind of bad things and acted like some kind white knights between two evil powers(USSR and Nazi company)And yes,they fully denied the fact that they were Axis alliy all along.And any reminder оf their atrocities make them feel,lets say,uncomfortable.So they put much effort to present their version of history as the only correct one
Ooh, about the little one is somehow even insulting (ahhahah). So far, I have encountered the maximum number of Americans. Some Hungarians have bad temper. But the Finns... Hmm. By the way, I want to somehow catch a Finn and ask his opinion on the first and second Soviet-Finnish wars (1918-1920 and 1920-1921).

In any case, if this is the work of someone's hands, then let him come out and honestly say about it. We seem to be decent people, and the Internet is not a place where you can fight with your fists. Historical facts decide everything.

Ooh, about the little one is somehow even insulting (ahhahah). So far, I have encountered the maximum number of Americans. Some Hungarians have bad temper. But the Finns... Hmm. By the way, I want to somehow catch a Finn and ask his opinion on the first and second Soviet-Finnish wars (1918-1920 and 1920-1921).

In any case, if this is the work of someone's hands, then let him come out and honestly say about it. We seem to be decent people, and the Internet is not a place where you can fight with your fists. Historical facts decide everything.

View attachment 306346
I belive,not much people abroad heard about it.There no such article on Wikipedia:D
You know what I am start to thinking about.I think thats a big problem that not many historical sources were published in English, and so on.Is this book was translated in english?I guess not.And thats the problem.
looks like some finnish admin was offended and/оr some fin-loving snitch complained about me
I think this is not a good thing, it is not fair to the participants. There is no filter for obscene words here, so your version is most likely wrong. Personally, I try to cover the topics that I undertake to the maximum and from all sides. This is history and events cannot be thrown out of it. You can only dispel the lie about certain facts - and this was also here. Finnish atrocities on Soviet territory are a documented fact.
We have no Finnish admin and no Finn loving snitches. Not even close to being correct mate. Posts are deleted only if they are proved as false, abusive or potential flamebait. Opinions are freely put in MI.net as you are aware but be prepared to defend those opinions

BZ out ,-aus
We have no Finnish admin and no Finn loving snitches. Not even close to being correct mate. Posts are deleted only if they are proved as false, abusive or potential flamebait. Opinions are freely put in MI.net as you are aware but be prepared to defend those opinions

BZ out ,-aus
As it was said earlier,the fact is that I wrote a post about the concentration camps for the civilian population in Karelia set up by the Finnish military administration. It was removed.Since I previously encountered a similar situation (on another site), and the reason for the deletion in that case was the same as I described above, I suggested that the reason was similar.If I am not being correct, I apologize. It was just assumption since I had previously encountered a similar situation in the other site.I have not made any accusations аnd had no intentions to start a flame.
As it was said earlier,the fact is that I wrote a post about the concentration camps for the civilian population in Karelia set up by the Finnish military administration. It was removed.Since I previously encountered a similar situation (on another site), and the reason for the deletion in that case was the same as I described above, I suggested that the reason was similar.If I am not being correct, I apologize. It was just assumption since I had previously encountered a similar situation in the other site.I have not made any accusations аnd had no intentions to start a flame.
We're all good mate, no harm no foul as they say (Y)

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