I met plenty of very decent and agreeable blacks or Arabs people in my life whether traveling or here at home. Some are my neighbors too.
What’s the dealio then?
Every white people should feel guilty because our ancestors, great, great, great grandparents enslaved them?
I did my genealogy and family tree and on my mother side we went as far as the 1600s. Those were peasants, parents of peasant etc etc until my maternal grandfather who worked his ass off in a car factory for decades. Mind you that was in the 50s, 60 and 70s and hundreds of Arabs (mostly Algerians, Tunisians…) were his colleagues because post war France needed labor too, just like Americans needed cheap Hispanic labors too.
So here we are now. Wokism and « White privilege »
Incidentally, the most racist people are often not what we think; example:
I was hanging out in the 13rd districts of Paris where there is a sizable Asian population (mostly Chinese) with two black friends who mentioned: « did you notice how many Chinese is there here? »
As my peers were blacks I refrained to comment: « yeah just see how many blacks or Africans are there in Paris. ».