Yeah, Jake. The woketards can shove their privilege arguments right up where the sun don't shine.
All of my ancestors came over after slavery was long since made illegal, and we were pretty darn low level peasant class ourselves.
Poor starving farmers from Norway, starving peasants from Pomerania, Poland, and Lithuania. And, when we got here, we got to work at wonderful jobs like steel mills in Pennsylvania (the kind of jobs "dirty Slavs are good at") and more farming on the frozen plains of Minnesota. Some German and Swiss ancestors got to do farming in Ohio, and my grandmother remembered their getting beaten up (as kids) for speaking German during the time of World War One. Yeah, so much privilege.
The vast majority of english/british people were piss poor, why else would they try to get to America, same as the Irish , italians and everyone else. My old dad used to say rich people just had ancestors that were better bullies than ours had been. Material wealth for anyone other than the super rich is a pretty 'new' idea. I'm happy to share, but no-one recalls having slaves in my family, so maybe we all need to get along, because otherwise there isnt going to be anything worth having, and we will make the world look like the Balkans.
" Palestinian artist Taqi Spateen poses before his mural of African American George Floyd on Israel's barrier in the West Bank town of Bethlehem"
The burden of white guilt is crushing my bones. My face is melting in tears.
Seriously though, why all those activist are painting their martyr so ugly. I mean, he wasn't Taylor Swift, but he also didn't look that bad. But art is subjective - you can't argue with that, so there is nothing else to say... Except the fact that the creator of this S**t is subjectively an idiot.
I could, to some extent, understand if the African-American community were asking for compensation over Jim Crow and Plessy v. Ferguson. After all, there are still people alive who suffered under the conditions of racial segregation. However, the state in its entirety would be the appropriate addressee of such claims – not the people who happen to share the colour of skin of those who were in charge way back when.
But the idea that those who didn't commit a crime should owe a compensation (or even just an apology) to those who were not victimised is the height of folly (and becomes increasingly bizarre with every new generation that separates the parties involved). Slavery is not a topic that deserves to be relevant in modern-day America. BLM's mindset threatens to normalise kinship liability.
For how many generations would this hypothetical guilt be passed on if descendants are to be held liable for the sins of their fathers? And how do we solve the conflicts of interest that will invariably arise along the way? If the left believes Africans would come off well under those terms, it will find it is dead-wrong. Slavery and quasi-colonialism were a far cry from being unheard-of in the pre-da Gaman epoch of Africa.
Racially charged though it may sound, the very idea that slavery could be an absolute injustice is a realisation made by Western intellectuals, not slaves. Historical victims of slavery – both entire peoples and individuals – were not immune to becoming beneficiaries of slavery, too. The same goes for other crimes against humanity. Repaying blood with blood was universally acceptable prior to Kant's categorical imperative.
Based upon the two articles below, the percentage of people in this country whose ancestors might have been involved in slavery is low, something to the tune of 15% or less just based on population levels in slave verses non slave states and the number of immigrants that arrived from 1865-1914. This doesn't take into account that the majority of people in slave states didn't own slaves, nor does it account for when the descendants of slave owners had children with the descendants of non slave owners. The bottom line is, however, that the vast majority of white blood in this country either had nothing to do with slavery or worked to end it. Even more obviously, and totally unrelated to the numbers, is that people can't be assigned a collective guilt based upon the actions of a few people in the distant past. If we did, the revenge killings would never stop until all animal life was extinct on this planet.
Based upon the two articles below, the percentage of people in this country whose ancestors might have been involved in slavery is low, something to the tune of 15% or less just based on population levels in slave verses non slave states and the number of immigrants that arrived from 1865-1914. This doesn't take into account that the majority of people in slave states didn't own slaves, nor does it account for when the descendants of slave owners had children with the descendants of non slave owners. The bottom line is, however, that the vast majority of white blood in this country either had nothing to do with slavery or worked to end it. Even more obviously, and totally unrelated to the numbers, is that people can't be assigned a collective guilt based upon the actions of a few people in the distant past. If we did, the revenge killings would never stop until all animal life was extinct on this planet.
"White people" still had it easier than black people. Now, one would have to define "have it easier than" and good luck making an objective comparison between working in cotton fields and being sent to dig coal.
One would also need to define "white people". Obviously it is something based on the skin color, but "Asians" are also considered as "white people", "Hispanics" are considered as "white people", some black people are even considered "white people". Either because their skin isn't "dark enough" or because their sociol-economics status "does not fit".
Last point is rather amusing by the way, considering one of the founder of BLM resigned some time after it was made public she somehow managed to buy several US$ mil worth of real-estate properties.
Anyway, it all relies on "collective guilt" and "ancestral guilt". One is guilty of his ancestors' crimes, wether or not his ancestors did, indeed, committed crimes or not; guilty of his country's crimes; and guilty of the crimes committed by those who share the same skin color or system of belief (Christians for instance).
Not only is it pushed by minorities, but also by those targeted by these accusations. A lot of "white people" feel retrospectively and emotionally guilty.
I remember recently coming across a school meeting where CRT was being discussed (I'll try to find it back) in which one of the attendant made an argument in defense of CRT by drawing a parallel with Germany's denazification, and how kids had been taught over and over again how "they" caused the Holocaust. Which I thought was inaccurate, but Muck or any German member can correct me on that point, since West Germany and East Germany had two different approaches regarding the subject:
-West: this happened, but you are not responsible for what happened. You are not the ones who did it.
-East: this happened, you caused it, your country caused it, your parents and grand parents caused it.
I am confused about this 1619 thing. Didn't the US officially begin in 1776, and before that we were officially part of the British Empire? From 1619 till 1776 wouldn't we still be considered the United Kingdom? Does this mean that its all Britain's fault?
I am confused about this 1619 thing. Didn't the US officially begin in 1776, and before that we were officially part of the British Empire? From 1619 till 1776 wouldn't we still be considered the United Kingdom? Does this mean that its all Britain's fault?
The Saxon chapter of Germany's Social Democratic Party (SPD), which currently holds its annual convention, approved a motion today that aims to outfit public toilets with additional sanitary bins for "menstruating men". Claiming that non-binary men are disenfranchised due to the lack of opportunities to dispose of their hygiene products, the party insisted that "this is not a matter of clientilism but one of humanity".
A single high ranking member protested. Florian Post MP wrote on his social media: "What sort of party whip allows such a moronic motion to pass? I'm giving up! Let us tackle real issues for once!" Asked what his party was trying to achieve, he added: "They cater to minorities hoping they will add up to a majority somehow. […] The closer they get to losing caucus recognition, the more lunatic they become." (Source, German)
The Saxon chapter of Germany's Social Democratic Party (SPD), which currently holds its annual convention, approved a motion today that aims to outfit public toilets with additional sanitary bins for "menstruating men". Claiming that non-binary men are disenfranchised due to the lack of opportunities to dispose of their hygiene products, the party insisted that "this is not a matter of clientilism but one of humanity".
A single high ranking member protested. Florian Post MP wrote on his social media: "What sort of party whip allows such a moronic motion to pass? I'm giving up! Let us tackle real issues for once!" Asked what his party was trying to achieve, he added: "They cater to minorities hoping they will add up to a majority somehow. […] The closer they get to losing caucus recognition, the more lunatic they become." (Source, German)
A single high ranking member protested. Florian Post MP wrote on his social media: "What sort of party whip allows such a moronic motion to pass? I'm giving up! Let us tackle real issues for once!" Asked what his party was trying to achieve, he added: "They cater to minorities hoping they will add up to a majority somehow. […] The closer they get to losing caucus recognition, the more lunatic they become." (Source, German)
This last sentence sums up our Democratic party and wokism in general perfectly.
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