For the most part what I was observing in American politics in recent years is this:
There are 2 camps. The conservative-patriots represented by Trump/MAGA movement, and the liberal left represented by Dems, Harrises and Baidons.
Camp #1 does foreign policy by attacking China, and accusing it of interference, crimes, etc.
Camp #2 does foreign policy by attacking Russia, and accusing it of interference, crimes, etc.
The general growing premise, at least from the MAGA side of the camp, is that "Russia actually isn't that bad. But China... China is the devil in the flesh."
But given how Biden's admin screwed up recently, both with regard to Russia and China diplomacy, my assumption is of the following:
Neither Russia nor China are the devils. None of them are interfering. None of them frankly care about the US at this point.
The US is simply stuck in a deep internal crisis of nation-wide dementia (wokeism, outdated elite, outdated ideology, no vision of the future, no way to adapt to the new emerging world etc. including), and each of the 2 opposing camps just look at every opportunity to attack a "favorite foreign adversary" as a means of deflection and diverting attention.
This in turn produces this impression among leftists that USA is full of Russian spies, and produces and impression among rightists that USA is full of Chinese spies. That the main problem on the world agenda is Russia's mistreatment of Crimeans or Ukrainians, or that the main problem on the world agenda is China's mistreatment of the Uighurs. And if one or other admin doesn't mention something about said terrible tragedies, he is "in cahoots" with the enemy.
Whereas realistically, the US is simply neckdeep in its own ocean of BS, to the point that will never be able to find way to the shore.