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Hey Russia, how many airliners have your airlines refused to return to their Western owners after the leases were suspended? Or in other words "stolen"? Because I think it's well into the hundreds.
Building upon this, the initial (first) losses of the Leopard and Bradleys:

I've seen it reported/repeated many times that the footage is from the unit while they were maneuvering upon the objective in daylight. All of those vehicles have world class thermal optics, and a lot of individual NODs have been sent. Russia severely lacks all of this.

None of that advantage is used. Instead they drive over a single road with unmapped mine fields on both sides in broad f*cking daylight and without SHORAD cover (vehicles like the Avenger and MANPADS were sent but I guess protecting the HQ with three times the amount needed or an oligarch's mansion/factory/wh*rehouse was more important) while the mine clearance vehicles that were sent are also no where to be seen and the engineer vehicles are acting as moral support teddys. If all of these types of vehicles are going to be needed anywhere it's at the initial breeching point where the mine fields and other obstacles will be present in the greatest density protecting the formations with the most capable vehicles in the entire army.

An absolute clown fest no matter how many vehicles may have been salvaged.
You are right about fighting at night, but the other things are a different matter.
The Vikhr ATGM, that is used by the Ka-52, outranges any MANPADS by a very big margin, as it has the range of 12km. Avengers would not help against these helos unless a pilot was stupid enough to come too close. There’s zero evidence that the attacked Ukrainian mechanised group didn’t have any AA systems.
The mine-clearing vehicles were present there, as there are numerous photos on Twatter showing them having been destroyed.
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Prigozhin transmitting info of Kadyrovites movements to the Ukrainians?
russia is such a hierarchical society that nothing happens without approval. russia targeting apartment buildings, markets and hospitals is ordered from the very top just like the destruction of Grozy was.
Well … there's some evidence that Putin actually doesn't know how the war is going. And it wouldn't be without precedent in Russia either. Take Brezhnev as an example. They had an entire fake issue of Pravda printed for him to keep him happy.

And pretty much the only interesting news to ever come out of Macron's and Scholz's ridiculous attempts to negotiate with the Kremlin is that Putin seems oblivious of the war's particulars. A few months back, weekly 'Der Spiegel' wrote that when Scholz had his last phone call with Putin, the latter kept insisting that Bakhmut had already been captured when in actual fact it hadn't even been surrounded at that time.

Scholz is said to have lost his cool and asked whether Putin really believed that he, Scholz, did not have means at his disposal to find out the truth about the situation on the ground. Putin reportedly got very angry and refused to continue the conversation in German (which he speaks fluently), instead drawing on the services of an interpreter.

It was also reported that Scholz later told his cabinet ministers that Putin had basically admitted to him that he never watches television news nor ever browses the internet.
The Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands will purchase four Czech VĚRA-NG passive radar systems by ERA Pardubice for Ukraine.



UKRAINE WAR: Task Executed by the 1st Assault Battalion of the Third Assault Brigade​

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Why Putin Will Never De-escalate

This is an interesting perspective from Foreign Policy. They usually allow access to one article a day and it's a 10 minute read.

Basically, the premise of the article is that Putin wants to win in Ukraine but is willing to settle for a long, grinding war in order to reorient Russia eastward and away from the West while prompting many fence sitting nations to choose a China-Russia axis. If Ukraine is successful in it's offensive do not expect a sudden Russian capitulation or overthrow of Putin.

This piece asserts that if Putin fails to hold on to power in the near term, or when dies in bed, he will be replaced by a committee that will have less of an appetite for conflict, but that Russia is doomed to a continuing cycle of repression and misery because they are, after all, Russians.
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RuZZia has officially become Azerbaijan’s byatch:
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But ... russia was on Armenia's side in that conflict while Azerbaijan was supported by Turkey. And now Armenia is shooting at Azerbaijani troops supported by russia ...

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Now that’s the reason Western weapons is better than Soviet. You should read how Zeds are pissing fire over this photo. Some of them are shocked. “No way our BMP would withstand such hit” etc
Disarming NATO: Chapter 158?

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