Building upon this, the initial (first) losses of the Leopard and Bradleys:
I've seen it reported/repeated many times that the footage is from the unit while they were maneuvering upon the objective in daylight. All of those vehicles have world class thermal optics, and a lot of individual NODs have been sent. Russia severely lacks all of this.
None of that advantage is used. Instead they drive over a single road with unmapped mine fields on both sides in broad f*cking daylight and without SHORAD cover (vehicles like the Avenger and MANPADS were sent but I guess protecting the HQ with three times the amount needed or an oligarch's mansion/factory/wh*rehouse was more important) while the mine clearance vehicles that were sent are also no where to be seen and the engineer vehicles are acting as moral support teddys. If all of these types of vehicles are going to be needed anywhere it's at the initial breeching point where the mine fields and other obstacles will be present in the greatest density protecting the formations with the most capable vehicles in the entire army.
An absolute clown fest no matter how many vehicles may have been salvaged.