NATO should be reorganized. Turkey, Hungary - I don’t believe these two will take a part in any actions, if something serious will happen. Both countries made their decision, they choose autocrats. Turkey is not part of the EU. Just block god damned border. I know it’s not that easy. But we live in a very fragile times. USA is about to explode by illegals, so does EU. F***in ruZZia is using this moment
It’s more complicated. Turkey still supports Ukraine officially and delivers it weapons. It also sorted out the grain deal, offering convoying merchant ships if RuZZia didn’t strike the deal. Has any EU country done the same? No chance.
Pushing Turkey towards RuZZia wouldn’t help the NATO at all. It would require more resources and money to confront them, while the Western societies are uncomfortable with the current expenses on defence. Demanding more would turn the societies against these parties and increase support for right-wing parties that are largely controlled by RuZZia.
The best example is Germany.
In the last 12 months, the support rate for AfDrasts has increased by 80% and it’s just one percent lower than SPD.
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That’s why the German government tries different ways for its support not going down even further.
It sends back Third Worlders, who got from Belarus via Poland to Germany illegally, to Poland despite being the most left-wing German government for a long time.
When it comes to the USA, some Republicans are either explicitly pro-Russian, or they just want to pull out US troops of Europe. It would make Europe vulnerable as fvck.
On the other hand, the Democrats don’t do much to prevent the illegal Third Worlders from crossing the US border, so they keep losing support of their voters despite supporting Ukraine.
So, there’s no easy solution. It’s a typical catch 22 scenario.