Warfare HAMAS attack on Israel, October 2023

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Generally speaking, a pre-emptive strike is not acceptable by international law but it was used in the past e.g by the US in 2003 Iraq war on the grounds of national security, to protect the state from rogue states and terrorist groups.

In our case Iran expressed direct threats they said don't enter Gaza, we will intervene.
2 options, Israel ‘finds’ an email from Iran telling hamas to go in to Israel.

Or the independent confederate air force sends its f36 fighters to flatten a few missile factories, and oil refineries, no USA, or U.K. Cyprus sigint, detects anything. Howboutdat.

If it’s the first option, I really think USA and U.K. will go in as well, at least with cruise missiles. Iran cannot arm and command hamas and hezzies, without getting feedback. West is coming off it’s addiction to black cocaine, so the calculation is changing.

And Iran, just like Russia, massively underestimates USA and U.K./eu capabilities. Russia can’t design/build a 5th gen fighter. Iran can’t build a 3rd gen fighter, or a tank. Eu/U.K./USA is sustaining Ukraine, with old armour, and a few bn for newish air defense missiles, whilst switching to electric vehicles, closing nuke reactors, and recovering from covid.
Uhh... so now Channel 4 news are doubling down on their previous report saying that based on sound analysis from the main video where the hospital area was being hit, and 3D mapping of the crater position, the strike must have come from somewhere eastwards rather than west:
Hold on a minute, it appears that the 3D mapping analysis was performed by Al-Haq, not only a Palestinian NGO, but one where the director has links to the PLFP, of which one of their brigades was involved in the October 7th attack!

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Oh yeah, definitely not a biased investigation at all... 🤦‍♂️
Aha, it's already being torn apart and, of course the rocket did a 180 when it failed, I completely missed it, even CNN covered that:

That completely debunks the "wrong direction" claim, and it would mean that the sound would be altered in the doppler test. Also missed that they called IDF "IOF", oh yes... very credible party. Also interesting how earshot_ngo have an account from January, yet have never posted anything until now.

Good job it's the weekend so I can properly read through various tweets (posts??) that are talking about this till stupid o'clock. Here's Nathan Ruser who has previously done an excellent thread analysing the evidence:

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More to follow most likely...
Last edited:
Two American hostages allegedly released by Hamas:

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Hmmm, I feel like I've seen a crater like that before, but I just can't quite think where... 🤔

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French intelligence has weighed in on the hospital blast now, confirming once again that it was a failed rocket launch:

As it says in the article, France sharing anything like this is rare, so this is quite significant.

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Hmmm, I feel like I've seen a crater like that before, but I just can't quite think where... 🤔

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Pro-Hamas/Palestine are really grasping at straws on this one.
French intelligence has weighed in on the hospital blast now, confirming once again that it was a failed rocket launch:

As it says in the article, France sharing anything like this is rare, so this is quite significant.

Good to know but unfortunately the damage and propaganda is about done at this point.

Thousand or Tunisians have protested near the embassy of France in Tunis post the Gaza hospital strike.

In such cases, France often walk on eggs for reasons you all can understand, we basically have the largest Jewish and Muslim communities in Europe so…
The title is misleading. Turkish news service:)

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Chancellor Scholz warned that those state actors planning anything against Israel would make an unforgivable mistake.

I'm not really sure but I tend to believe that if Israel would be attacked in concerted actions by said actors. Some Mullahs in their bunkers would get to know Taurus faster than the Russians.

The evil side tries hard at the moment. From all directions.
I'll leave it there for now. https://besacenter.org/the-islamic-state-of-hamas/?swcfpc=1 Support among the Gaza population is about the same as Adolf had in Germany in 1942. Accordingly, I reserve the right to express my regrets on occasion, but en masse... no. A two-thirds majority is a two-thirds majority, that's what the citizens needed. And don't come any damn but that totalitarian state, they are afraid. The Soviet Union, the Third Reich was a totalitarian state, but there were individuals and groups who took the risk of being a part of it. When there is a Schellenberg or at least a Vysocki in Gaza, come back. Until then, goodbye and thanks for the fish.

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I would suggest comprehensive and public support for Ukraine would be a good start.
I would suggest comprehensive and public support for Ukraine would be a good start.
If we had good reasons (now obvious, I hope) not to support militarily Ukraine before, now we have x100 not to do it. Russia might be instrumental in 1) mediating the release of hostages, 2) making things much worse for us in Syria and Lebanon. We are not in the position for taking moral stances right now. We weren't before, and especially we are not now. This is the reality of it all. When the time comes, and we find ourselves in the WW3 we'll do what needs to be done, like during The War of Attrition for example.
If we had good reasons (now obvious, I hope) not to support militarily Ukraine before, now we have x100 not to do it. Russia might be instrumental in 1) mediating the release of hostages, 2) making things much worse for us in Syria and Lebanon. We are not in the position for taking moral stances right now. We weren't before, and especially we are not now. This is the reality of it all. When the time comes, and we find ourselves in the WW3 we'll do what needs to be done, like during The War of Attrition for example
The price Russia will extract for any "help" may not be worth what is received, and will only be offered with a copious dose of cynicism, but I must defer to your better understanding of the complexities of your situation.
1/5 of the rockets launched by Hamas and Islamic Jihad fail and fall in Gaza, in the last 24 hours it is estimated that more than 500 have fallen in Gaza, killing several civilians.


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