Warfare HAMAS attack on Israel, October 2023

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dO yOu hAvE eViDeNcE fOr ThAt...?

Sounds very familiar Russ:-
If we had good reasons (now obvious, I hope) not to support militarily Ukraine before, now we have x100 not to do it. Russia might be instrumental in 1) mediating the release of hostages, 2) making things much worse for us in Syria and Lebanon. We are not in the position for taking moral stances right now. We weren't before, and especially we are not now. This is the reality of it all. When the time comes, and we find ourselves in the WW3 we'll do what needs to be done, like during The War of Attrition for example.
Right now, Israel with support from USA and a bit from UK etc, is doing its stuff in Gaza. Iran isnt going anywhere, if anything these 'minor' attacks are pathetic. I'd like to see west push Ukraine to a win, by retaking Crimea. Of course this may cause Russia to do more naughty S**t around the world, one of which could be Gaza/Israel/Syria etc. But if we have more or less resolved Ukraine, we will have more time and resources to focus on what they do, and on Hamas/Iran.

I dont know how Gaza gets resolved, as no-other country is going to want to put troops in as peacekeepers or whatever. And of course if hamas dont like what is put in place, and causes trouble, and say UK or German peacekeepers start shooting them, then we have the obvious problems in Europe....

Appreciate some will say its ethnic cleansing, but shipping them all to Sinai, with lots of money from USA/EU etc, and Israel promises not to take the Gaza land.
Could Israel reach a peace deal with Fatah on the west bank? Then give Gaza to the west bank, rebuild it, and slowly re-populate it over 20 years.
If we had good reasons (now obvious, I hope) not to support militarily Ukraine before, now we have x100 not to do it. Russia might be instrumental in 1) mediating the release of hostages, 2) making things much worse for us in Syria and Lebanon. We are not in the position for taking moral stances right now. We weren't before, and especially we are not now. This is the reality of it all. When the time comes, and we find ourselves in the WW3 we'll do what needs to be done, like during The War of Attrition for example.
Favors from Russia are like free meals. You end up paying more than you thought you would.
And on today's episode of Try Not To Laugh featuring the NOS (Dutch BBC):

Muslims in the Netherlands have felt greater unrest and fear since the outbreak of the war between Israel and Hamas, mosque umbrella organizations told NOS. Muslims feel pressure to speak out in favor of Israel and experience intimidation if they do not. They are also afraid of violence and the consequences of the war for their work and friendships, the umbrella organizations say. The police have no figures on incidents because they "do not separately register" Muslim discrimination.

I can just see it now, crowds of young men roaming the streets hunting down muslims to check their social media profiles for a lack of support of Israel. Marching down the streets hand in hand, some wearing the kippah, others jackets with swastikas on them.

There's a term for this level of dishonest reporting:
And on today's episode of Try Not To Laugh featuring the NOS (Dutch BBC):


I can just see it now, crowds of young men roaming the streets hunting down muslims to check their social media profiles for a lack of support of Israel. Marching down the streets hand in hand, some wearing the kippah, others jackets with swastikas on them.

There's a term for this level of dishonest reporting:

Funny thing about this is, it does take place.

But it is done by the pro-Palestine mob.
I'll leave this here.

Notably, some years ago, when the Turks ''arrested'' two Greek soldiers in the Greek Turkish border, not clear yet if they were abducted from Greek territory or accidentally entered Turkish soil since there was heavy snow, were freed after 4,5 months by the intervention of the Emir Al Thani of Qatar. No US, no other major player could intervene to Erdogan.
But if we have more or less resolved Ukraine, we will have more time and resources to focus on what they do, and on Hamas/Iran.

Appreciate some will say its ethnic cleansing, but shipping them all to Sinai, with lots of money from USA/EU etc, and Israel promises not to take the Gaza land.
Could Israel reach a peace deal with Fatah on the west bank? Then give Gaza to the west bank, rebuild it, and slowly re-populate it over 20 years.
1) I dont think Israel needs our resources. Hamas is after all a terrorist entity, not a full fledged army like Russia (if that is still the case is to be discussed), so it's more about minimising casualties and getting rid of Hamas for good. In contrast to Ukraine Israel had and has a huuuuuuge leap in military capabilities above Hamas, so I don't see them needing many conventional resources - maybe apart from Iron dome ammunition, but this is being addressed.

2) I don't think Sisi is keen on islamic troublemakers in Egypt, so I doubt he will agree unless pressured really hard by the US effectively threatening to cut aid. It's a tough bet, I wouldn't count on it materialising. Shipping them to Europe is more realistic tbh. Other than that Gaza people might indeed some De-Hamasation after years of terror propaganda, how this is to be done, I dont't know

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easy solution.... hamas is labeled as a terror group... just like isis.... so with no prior warning.... anyone who supports hamas and doesnt hold a citizenship ... have them deported.... if theyre an american,canadian,swedish,english ... etc etc .... have their citizenship rebutted

tbh .... i think in this war.... israel is alone...jewish people are alone ... even with the help of the united states .... that senile kiddy diddler is setting tons of rules left and right on israel.

the israelis should take the right decision... everyone knows what that right decision is ..... itll cost israel alot of lives ... alot of blood and alot of everything .... but better start now than let that evil grow.cause trust me ... all the world and specially the extremist arabs now know.... if they join forces and simply walk into israel .... theyll take it over.

the israelies shouldnt cower out like in 2006 .... if they did all this in 2006 on both front with hizbolla and hamas...nuked tf out of iran anbd its leaders .. theyve wouldve lost alot less

so for your future generation..... take that decision and push the f*ck on ...... politics doesnt work against an enemy who wants to die , who love to die while doing their best in erasing israel from the world's map .
Good to know but unfortunately the damage and propaganda is about done at this point.

Thousand or Tunisians have protested near the embassy of France in Tunis post the Gaza hospital strike.

In such cases, France often walk on eggs for reasons you all can understand, we basically have the largest Jewish and Muslim communities in Europe so…
Meh. People chose sides long before 7 October.
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Meanwhile in India...

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Appreciate some will say its ethnic cleansing, but shipping them all to Sinai, with lots of money from USA/EU etc,

Great idea, some other ''rulers'' will think also, why we don't ''ship'' our ''Palestinians'' too .... Somebody else's ''Palestinians'' could be Christian minorities, etc.

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