Photos Soviet-Afghan War 1979-1989

I do not know where to post it,so let it be here.
This is joint american and russian anti-drug operation in Afghanistan back in 2010
Photos from a series of articles on Soviet aviation in Afghanistan by Viktor Markovsky. Most of the photos belong to him, too.
The names of the files are also the epigraphs, and are in my mother tongue, Spanish. Here the translations:
1- PKT Machine gun to be installed in a Mi-24.
2- Captain N. Gurtovoy as gunner inside a Mi-24В of 181st OBVP. Kunduz, spring 1986.
3- Recovery team posing next to the wreckage of a Mi-24. Engineer Leiko, Commander G. Pavlov and cameraman Malyshev.
4 and 5- Technicians doing maintenance on Mi-24s.
6- A Mi-24 of the 262nd EIA V-VS (piloted by Cap Nikolayev) was hit by DShK bullets, and managed to crashland into a hangar in Bagram, March 1987.
7 and 8- A Mi-24 prototype showing the addition of a cockpit designed to make this type less vulnerable to attacks from the rear hemisphere.


  • Ametralladora PKT a instalar en Mi-24.webp
    Ametralladora PKT a instalar en Mi-24.webp
    49.3 KB · Views: 199
  • Artillero puerta. Cap N. Gurtovoy en cabina Mi-24В 181 OBVP. Kunduz, primavera 1986-.webp
    Artillero puerta. Cap N. Gurtovoy en cabina Mi-24В 181 OBVP. Kunduz, primavera 1986-.webp
    48.8 KB · Views: 171
  • Equipo recup restos Mi-24. Engineer Leiko, Commander G. Pavlov and cameraman Malyshev.webp
    Equipo recup restos Mi-24. Engineer Leiko, Commander G. Pavlov and cameraman Malyshev.webp
    49.1 KB · Views: 180
  • Manteniendo Mi-24 V-VS en Afganistan 1.webp
    Manteniendo Mi-24 V-VS en Afganistan 1.webp
    37.6 KB · Views: 169
  • Manteniendo Mi-24 V-VS en Afganistan 2.webp
    Manteniendo Mi-24 V-VS en Afganistan 2.webp
    55.4 KB · Views: 171
  • Mi-24 262 EIA V-VS (Cap Nikolayev) dañado por balas DShK bullet, logro aterrizar en hangar Ba...webp
    Mi-24 262 EIA V-VS (Cap Nikolayev) dañado por balas DShK bullet, logro aterrizar en hangar Ba...webp
    92.3 KB · Views: 199
  • Mi-24 V-VS con cabina diseñada para proteger lado trasero 01.webp
    Mi-24 V-VS con cabina diseñada para proteger lado trasero 01.webp
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  • Mi-24 V-VS con cabina diseñada para proteger lado trasero 02.webp
    Mi-24 V-VS con cabina diseñada para proteger lado trasero 02.webp
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Most from the aforementioned articles by V. Markovsky.

Mi-24 V-VS en Afganistan 06 con pilotos.jpg

Mi-24 V-VS en Afganistan 09.jpg

Mi-24 V-VS en Afganistan 20, con personal.jpg

Mi-24 V-VS en Afganistan 21.jpg

Mi-24 V-VS en Afganistan 36.jpg

Mi-24 V-VS en Afganistan 40, ardiendo tras derribo por Stinger cerca Shivukala, 1988.jpg

Mi-24 V-VS en Afganistan 41, ardiendo tras derribo por Stinger cerca Shivukala, 1988.jpg

Two shots of the same Mi-24 while it was burning near Shivukala, 1988.

Mi-24 V-VS en Afganistan 42, tras aterrizaje emergencia, con tecnicos evaluando daño 1981 (G. ...jpg

Mi-24 after emergency landing, checked by a recovery team, 1981. (G. Cherkasov).

Mi-24 V-VS en Afganistan 70, Kabul 1988 (John Voos).jpg

Mi-24 in Kabul airport, 1988. (Photo credit: John Voos, via Shutterstock)
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Aeroflot´s aircraft in Afghanistan.

An-12 Aeroflot en Afganistan.webp
Antonov An-12.

An-12 Aeroflot y An-26 V-VS estacionados en Bagram.webp

An-12 of Aeroflot and An-26 of V-VS parked in Bagram.

An-12 SSSR-11987 Aeroflot por llevar cuerpos pilotos. Sera atacado por Stinger y volvera con ...webp

The An-12 serial SSSR-11987 minutes before departure taking some pilots' corpses. According to Viktor Markovsky, this airplane was hit by a Stinger and had to return with one of its engines on fire.

An-12BK Aeroflot en area estacionamiento Bagram.webp

An-12BKs parked in Bagram.

Il-76 Aeroflot con tecnicos 27th GVIAP in Bagram.webp

Personnel of 27th GvIAP in Bagram, with an Il-76 in the background.

Il-76 Aeroflot en Kabul con civiles.webp

Il-76 Aeroflot en Kabul-.webp

Two shots of Ilyushin Il-76s in Kabul airport.
Photo-gallery ANTONOV AN-12, Part 1.

An-12 por llevar cadaveres tripulac Mi-8 derribado 30-12-83, A. Zavaliev and E. Smirnov. Bagr...webp
Two BTR-70s approach an An-12, ready to repatriate the corpses of A. Zavaliev and E. Smirnov (crew of a downed Mi-8) on 30 December 1983.

An-12 194 Regiment V-VS de Fergana.jpg

An An-12 of 194th Regiment in Fergana (home base of the unit) during the war.

An-12 con motor quemado y ala - flap averiados por Stinger. Kabul, December 1986.jpg

An-12 with engine and flat damaged by a Stinger. Kabul, December 1986.

An-12 V-VS aterrizando en Kandahar.jpg

An An-12 about to land in Kandahar.

An-12BK 50 Regiment V-VS en Kandahar con helos 280 AFP, invierno 1987.jpg

An-12BK of 50th Regiment V-VS en Kandahar, Mi-8s of 280th AFP behind, during winter 1987.

An-12BK aterrizando en Kunduz.jpg

An-12BK landing in Kunduz.

An-12 destruido en aeropuerto Kabul.jpg

An-12 restos en afueras de Kabul.jpg

Two shots of wreckage of An-12 near Kabul airport. I think both images belong to the same aircraft.

An-12 destruido en afueras de Kabul.jpg

Debris from an An-12 destroyed in the outskirts of Kabul.


  • An-12 por llevar cadaveres tripulac Mi-8 derribado 30-12-83, A. Zavaliev and E. Smirnov. Bagr...webp
    An-12 por llevar cadaveres tripulac Mi-8 derribado 30-12-83, A. Zavaliev and E. Smirnov. Bagr...webp
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For those interested, a new book Soviet Airborne - the 345th Regiment in Afghanistan. As seen at, it covers Uniforms and History of the Soviet Airborne: The 345th Regiment in Afghanistan, with input from Vets who were there. Promises to be a good read on a little known subject from the Russian perspective, and in English.
Для интересующихся новая книга Советский ВДВ - 345-й полк в Афганистане. Как видно на, он охватывает униформу и историю советских воздушно-десантных войск: 345-й полк в Афганистане с участием ветеранов, которые там были. Обещает быть хорошим чтением по малоизвестной теме с русской точки зрения и на английском языке.
Antonov An-12 Gallery, Part 2. Sorry for the long absence in between posts, but there was an outbreak of COVID-19 at home, and all five members of my family had to be secluded for the last week. But now I'm back into business.

An-12 V-VS en aeropuerto Kabul, 02-05-1988 (Valery Zufarov-Boris Kavashkin).webp

An-12 V-VS sobrevuela aeopuerto Kabul, 02-05-1988 (Valery Zufarov-Boris Kavashkin).webp

Two pictures taken by journalists Valery Zufarov and Boris Kavashkin (TASS, via Getty Images) of An-12s V-VS in Kabul airport, 2 May 1988.

An-12BK con trampas UB-26 (768 PPI-26 ammunition) en fuselaje.webp

An-12BK con trampas UB-26 en fuselaje.webp

Close up first, and panoramic later of the installation of heat traps UB-26 on the fuselage of a An-12BK.

An-12BP en TEC del 50 Regiment. Kabul,invierno 1987.webp

An-12BP of 50th Regiment undergoing maintenance or repairs in Kabul, winter 1987.

An-12BP ex-Aeroflot, ahora V-VS.webp

A former Aeroflot's An-12BP, now showing V-VS markings.
Now it's time for some An-26s...

An-26 V-VS sanitario en Bagram.webp

A casevac An-26 in Bagram airbase.

An-26 V-VS y An-12 Aeroflot estacionados en Bagram.webp

An Aeroflot's An-12 parked next to a V-VS An-26.

An-26 V-VS trae a cantante Lev Leshchenko to Jalalabad. Al lado, cdte 335 Regiment Coronel Be...webp

Soviet singer Lev Leshchenko walks down from a V-VS An-26 in Jalalabad. Next to him, the commander of 335th Regiment, Colonel Beshmelnov.

An-26 V-VS averiado en motor izq por Stinger en aprox a aeropuerto Kabul, 1987 (G. Donskich).webp

An-26 V-VS averiado en motor izq por Stinger en aprox a aeropuerto Kabul, 1987 (G. Donskich)-.webp

Two pictures of the damaged left engine of an An-26, caused by a Stinger during the approach to Kabul airport, 1987. (Photos by G. Donskich)
Antonov An-12 Gallery, Part 2. Sorry for the long absence in between posts, but there was an outbreak of COVID-19 at home, and all five members of my family had to be secluded for the last week. But now I'm back into business.

Two pictures taken by journalists Valery Zufarov and Boris Kavashkin (TASS, via Getty Images) of An-12s V-VS in Kabul airport, 2 May 1988.

Close up first, and panoramic later of the installation of heat traps UB-26 on the fuselage of a An-12BK.

An-12BP of 50th Regiment undergoing maintenance or repairs in Kabul, winter 198
A former Aeroflot's An-12BP, now showing V-VS markings.

Now it's time for some An-26s...

View attachment 311473
A casevac An-26 in Bagram airbase.

View attachment 311474
An Aeroflot's An-12 parked next to a V-VS An-26.

View attachment 311475
Soviet singer Lev Leshchenko walks down from a V-VS An-26 in Jalalabad. Next to him, the commander of 335th Regiment, Colonel Beshmelnov.

View attachment 311476

View attachment 311477
Two pictures of the damaged left engine of an An-26, caused by a Stinger during the approach to Kabul airport, 1987. (Photos by G. Donskich)
Excellent posts!! Thank you!!

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