Photos Soviet-Afghan War 1979-1989

A series of very interesting photographs has recently appeared. An Afghan mujahid demonstrates the documents of a captured Soviet soldier Oleg Valerievich Filippov, a native of Kherson (Ukraine). The second photo shows the documents and service weapons of the fighter.

Afghanistan. August 1987


The administration of the Russian Internet community, which found the photo, submitted an official request to the Kherson regional organization of the Ukrainian Union of Afghan Veterans to find out the further fate of the captive compatriot.

Portrait of an unknown paratrooper officer in Afghanistan. At the same time, the officer has a soldier's uniform (most likely due to the material - a soldier's field uniform of 69 made of cotton, the officer's uniform was made of wool)

The Soviets were busy pulling this country out of the Middle Ages and shooting local terrorists. The Americans prevented the USSR from pulling Afghanistan out of the Middle Ages and shooting terrorists... Then to shoot terrorists in Afghanistan themselves. History, you ironic bitch

ya, how was Su pulling the country out of the Middle Ages? Um, starting with assassination?
ya, how was Su pulling the country out of the Middle Ages? Um, starting with assassination?
Since the 1950s, the Soviet Union has built thousands of kilometers of highways in Afghanistan. These are, for example, the Kushka - Herat - Kandahar highway with a length of 679 kilometers, Doshi - Shirkhan - 216 kilometers, Puli - Khumri - Mazari - Sheriff - Shibergan - 329 kilometers.

Perhaps the most iconic vehicle built by the Soviet forces is the Salang highway with the tunnel of the same name, which runs through a mountain range at an altitude of over 3,000 meters. Until 1973, it was considered the longest in the world (3.6 kilometers). The construction of the tunnel was carried out by Moscow metro builders. In 1997, during the civil war, "Salang" was blown up, traffic on it was restored only five years later.

In 1960, the Jangalak car repair plant was built in Kabul, capable of performing more than 1,300 major car repairs per year, as well as producing 750 tons of metal products per year (machine tools, pumps, road construction equipment).

In the Afghan capital, with the support of the USSR, in 1985, motor transport enterprises were put into operation (the total production capacity is 900 KamAZ vehicles per year), and an enterprise for servicing fuel trucks. In 1984, a KamAZ service station appeared in Hairaton.

With the assistance of the Soviet Union, the energy industry of Afghanistan was actively developing: a map of the location of minerals was prepared, on which there were about 1.5 thousand deposits. The USSR built eight oil depots (total capacity - 8.3 thousand cubic meters), a gas pipeline with a throughput capacity of 4 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

Hydroelectric power plants were also built: in Naglu (with a capacity of 100 thousand kW), Puli-Khumri (9 thousand kW). When there was not enough electricity, the Soviet Union exported it from its territory: for this purpose, power lines were built from the border of Shirkhan to Kunduz and the power line "USSR state border - Mazar-i-Sharif".

In the 1960s, Soviet specialists built another strategic facility in Kabul: a polytechnic university for 1,200 students. For the implementation of this project, the USSR spent an impressive amount at that time: more than 6 million rubles.

Today, Kabul Polytechnic University is Afghanistan's leading technical university. Construction, electromechanical, geological, automotive and other faculties have been opened here, where 4000 students study.
It is interesting that this is the only educational institution in the country where the main foreign language is Russian.

During the war, a bomb hit the library of the Polytechnic University, some of the books burned down, and some were stolen. Now the university is experiencing difficulties with manuals: a few years ago, the rector, Izatulla Abed, admitted that they had to use old Soviet textbooks.

The USSR also tried to develop the agricultural industry in Afghanistan. In 1957, the Land of Soviets built a bakery for its Asian ally, producing 70 tons of bakery products per day. The enterprise, located in Kabul, was equipped with two mills, grinding 375 tons of grain per day, the capacity of the elevator was 50 thousand tons of grain.

More than 20 years later, another bakery was opened in Kabul, with a capacity of 65 tons of products per day.

In Mazar-i-Sharif, with the participation of Soviet specialists, a mill with a capacity of 60 tons of flour per day, as well as an elevator with a capacity of 20 thousand tons of grain, appeared. The country has also put into operation diversified farms "Khalda" and "Gazibad".
Let me also remind you that the Soviet troops were engaged in less significant matters. They built schools, dwelling houses, introduced school education. Teachers, doctors, scientists from Afghanistan studied in the USSR. The USSR gave shelter to many orphans. Soviet doctors were sent to remote Afghan villages, cultural groups worked there - they showed feature films, arranged reading of books.

I do not have quantitative data on these events at hand, but if needed, I can also search for them. Yes, not everything was done competently - for example, the organization of joint education of girls and boys in schools was perceived by conservative Afghans as blasphemy. However, it is clear that this was done with the best of intentions - the USSR became the first country where equality between women and men was declared back in the 1920s.

ya, how was Su pulling the country out of the Middle Ages? Um, starting with assassination?
I'm not going to defend Communism with all its evils, and it is true that Soviet intervention in Afghanistan started with the intention of winnng influence in the area, but that does not mean all Soviet actions in that country were wicked and ill-meant.
MiG-21 of V-VS Gallery, Part 1.

MiG-21 927 IAP V-VS accidentado al aterrizar.jpg

MiG-21 of 927th IAP that taxied off runway during the landing.

MiG-21 927 IAP V-VS destruido en tierra 04-1984.jpg

Another MiG-21 of the same unit, destroyed on the ground, most probably during a night attack with mortars, April 1984.

MiG-21bis 27 GvIAP in Bagram 1981 (der.) (Igor Bubin).jpg

MiG-21bis of the 27th Guard's Regiment (GvIAP) in Bagram 1981 (photo by Igor Bubin).

MiG-21bis 115 IAP .jpg

MiG-21bis belonging to 115th IAP.
MiG-21 of V-VS Gallery, Part 2

MiG-21bis 145 IAP carretea antes despegue en Bagram.jpg

MiG-21bis of the 145th IAP taxis before taking off in Bagram.

MiG-21bis despegando de Bagram.jpg

MiG-21bis taking off from Bagram.

MiG-21bis V-VS sobrevuela montañas en Afganistan, 1982 (color).jpg

Nice picture, although fake colour.

MiG-21bis y MiG-21U 27 GvIAP en Bagram 1981 (Igor Rubin).jpg

MiG-21bis and MiG-21U of 27th GvIAP in Bagram air base, 1981 (photo by Igor Rubin)

MiG-21bis V-VS vuela con posquemador sobre aerodromo Bagram.jpg

MiG-21bis using its afterburner over Bagram.
All photos taken from an article on line by Viktor Markovsky.
What role were the Sovs usuing the mig21 for there? Surely they had better CAS aircraft available and there was no A2A threat?
I don't fully understand the "CAS" and "A2A" acronyms, but the fact is that, in the absence of Mujahideen ressistance in the air, the MiG-21 (both bis and PFM models) were used to provide air cover for convoys and mechanized columns, and they had to attack ground targets in several occasions. I'm still reading on the topic, so I cannot provide further data or details.
CAS= Close Air Support
A2A= Air to Air

Essentially as the Mig21 is a point interceptor I wonder why they used that when they had other aircraft better suited to getting down and dirty.
CAS= Close Air Support
A2A= Air to Air

Essentially as the Mig21 is a point interceptor I wonder why they used that when they had other aircraft better suited to getting down and dirty.
I think it was a matter of availability. Probably because they could be ready to take off more quickly, and they operate from bases closer to the action itself. Besides, it was easier to use units already deployed in Afghanistan, than to set in motion all the logistics implied in moving a whole Regiment from home. Eventually, they did deploy a more suitable aircraft: the Sukhoi Su-25 "Grach".
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MiG-21 V-VS Gallery, Part 3.

MiG-21bis y pilotos 115 IAP V-VS.webp

Pilots of 115th Regiment before their deployment in Afghanistan. I believe this photo was used as some kind of propaganda.

Misiles C-24 bajo ala MiG-21bis 115 IAP V-VS.webp

Missiles C-24 under the right wing of a MiG-21bis of 115th Regiment.

Perfil MiG-21bis 115 IAP V-VS en Jarkungan 1985.webp

Illustration of MiG-21bis, 115th IAP, V-VS in Jarkungan 1985.

Perfil MiG-21bis 115 IAP V-VS en Kandahar 1980.webp

Idem MiG-21bis 115th IAP, V-VS in Kandahar 1980.

MiG-21bis V-VS destruidos en base aerea Bagram 05-04-2002 1.webp

MiG-21bis V-VS destruidos en base aerea Bagram 05-04-2002 2.webp

Two shots belonging to the same sequence. Wreckage of MiG-21bis in Bagram air base, 5 April 2002.
MiG-21s of Afghan Air Force (I don´t know its name in Pashtun) Gallery, Part 1.

MiG-21 AAF 010, principios 1980s.jpg

MiG-21 AAF 011, principios 1980s.jpg

MiG-21bis of AAF, early 1980s.

MiG-21 AAF 016, U aterrizando.jpg

MiG-21 AAF 015, U aterrizando principios 1980s.jpg

Two shots of a MiG-21U "Mongol" of AAF landing.

MiG-21 AAF 017, U estacionado.jpg

MiG-21U AAF parked.

MiG-21 AAF 020, despegando de Bagram.jpg

MiG-21bis of 322nd Regiment taking off in Bagram.
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