Let me just play Devil's Advocate for a minute. The Ukraine-Russia war is in Europe, right? Seems to me that it is primarily a European problem. Right? Whoever controls Donbas or Crimea does not affect US security interests in the least bit. If the Ukrainian people with European support want to take them back, well then God bless them. I wish them all the luck possible.
Are we honestly saying that Russia is preparing to attack NATO now? Really? After the Ukraine debacle? They'd have to dust off their T-55s and T-34s for that. NATO has kept the Soviet Empire at bay for 3/4 of a century. It's true, that during most of that time the member nations were actual active members, doing their part. That hasn't been the case in a long time. NATO and Europe are essentially protectorates of the US. Let's face that fact. If Europe wants a wider and more intense war, they should fund it and also send their sons and daughters to fight it.
As far as Zelensky's words being taken out of context or parsed incorrectly, what many Americans are hearing is exactly what I stated. Zelensky was trying to make a point, I agree. But after that soundbite, many Americans are thinking, F#ck You, that's enough with your bull$hit.