American kids have had to fight for S**t hole dreams. These wars are still wrapped up in patriotism.I think that misses the point. The Ukrainians have fought well. Most of us support them in this fight. Most of us hope they are victorious.
But for the last decade, Ukraine has been someone's client state. The Client state of the US dept of State, the EU, Davos. The corruption has be mind boggling. Everyone was corrupt. Everyone made millions. I think I mentioned previously that this would be a discussion I'd like to have after this war is over. But it's an important discussion.
Both Mcgregor and while you're at it Tucker Carlson are of the opinion of, why should American kids go and fight and die for a foreign border when an American border has been completely abandoned and undefended. And I agree with that. That doesn't make anyone pro-Putin or anti-Ukrainian people. Just aware of what the powerful dynamics at play are.
The school of thought is America first. Pivot to china etc. Trump plan. Ignored Ukraine. Clearly at the advice of this strategist.
Missing any Ukrainian knowledge as proven. Missing Ukraine booting out of the corrupt Russian puppet, new anti corruption laws and application to join EU. Clearly not a country that's aiming to remain part of the previous assumption and should automatically be relegated as client to good mate Putin who fears Trump. As prescribed in the interview and speeches.
Glad to have seen it and clarified whom we can appropriate blame on.
Is Putin attacking the backed up Baltic states. He tried there first and was rebutted. So he went for what he thought was the unsupported one. The weakling.
Point is they could have armed them. And start picking better countries to aid.
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