I believe I already did. He, and ironically people like chomsky, long for the days of the cold war with spheres of influence in Europe.
He has been wrong in many of his predictions during the collapse of the soviet union.
Now this following is not my idea, but in short. Realism is a theory built on the idea of conflict through the striving for power between nation-states. But it first failed during the cold war when Iran had its revolution. Ayatollah Iran was neither a poker chip nor a poker player.
Realism cannot handle islamism as a political force. realism as theory is utterly useless in confronting political institutions like islamism which do not rely and are not built upon the concept of the nation state.
Realism also dismisses internal development. Realism is a tempting theory, almost like an strategy game with mathematical calculations on predictive models. That is why it couldnt predict the fall of the soviet union and also why they long for the day of the soviet era geopolitics and Europe.
After the soviets fell, realism was placed on the backseat and the professors like you just watched (and kissinger etc.) have been trying to
rebuild their credibility after the berlin wall collapsed. This is because the collapse of the soviets disproved the core tenet of the realist theory. ideologies matter this point is reiterated here though the striving of the various peoples of eastern europe to be liberated from communist tyranny, what followed was an unprecedented era of democratisation, peace and stability in eastern europe (unlike the professor predicted in 1990) the idea of national cooperation between the poker chips (in this case the EU) outside of a sphere of influence tears the realist idea of a great poker game of power to shreds. And that's why they hate it so much.
edit. this was Mearsheimers prediction in 1990 and his solution was to give Germany nukes to create and artificial balance of power. Which at least for me tells all i need to know, how he saw and clearly still sees the world. Too simplistic and dismissive of other forces at play to be taken seriously.
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edit 2. That's not to say that sometimes realist theory gets things right. But overall it's just too simplistic view of geopolitics.
edit 3. If this is new to anybody, one should look how these cold war realists have contempt for transnational organisations.