Frankly, I don't see how. Trump's made it abundantly clear he blames Zelensky for the war and deems him a dictator playing with fire. If Trump really means what he said last night, he'll have to try and sabotage any effort by another country to fill Uncle Sam's shoes.
Quite honestly, I'm now of the opinion this whole charade was a set-up to find an excuse to cut Ukraine off. The animosity was unprecedented, including by the hand-picked journalists.
For example, what the hell was that question by MTG's boyfriend about Zelensky "disrespecting" America because he didn't wear a suit to the meet? Zelensky hasn't worn a suit in three years, it's a sign of solidarity with the troops on the front, and every casual observer should know as much.
Look … The economy. Domestic security. I'll give you those, Trump's doing some good things in those fields.
But as a crisis manager, as a diplomat, as the so called leader of the free world, he's dangerously inept. And Bolton was absolutely right to point that out. What happened last night wasn't "transactional diplomacy". Trump cearly expected a cowtow from Zelensky, and when he didn't get it he threw a fit over a perceived slight. In doing so, he signalled to the world that whenever he talks about a "good deal for America", all he really wants is to have his ego stroked.