23 March 1945
An American M4A1 (76mm) Sherman tank of the 14th Armoured Division moves past a roadside littered with debris from the retreating German forces near, Silz, Germany.
This tank is fitted with a .30-caliber machine gun instead of the usual .50-caliber Browning M2 HB.
Amongst the German artillery can be seen a 10.5 cm leFH 18 howitzer.
".......shortly after the Task Force cleared Reisdorf, the
Regimental Command Post displaced to Birkenhordt for the
night from it's location just south of Reisdorf.
Task Force Rhine proceeded to Silz via Blrkenhordt
and arrived there shortly after midnight (22 March). An enemy antitank gun was destroyed before the surprised enemy could man
it and the town was set afire as the tanks moved through en-route
to Munchweiler."
"Between Silz and Munchweiler the tanks overran a column
of the retreating enemy on the road and destroyed it."
(The Operations OP, 409TH Infantry Regiment
1OSD Infantry Division).
Colourised by Doug