Photos of Attacking Port Said ( Suez Crisis 1956 )

Dr.Yahia Al Shaer

Mi Sergeant
MI.Net Member
Sep 14, 2020
Photos of Attacking Port Said ( Suez Crisis 1956 )

Attacking El Gamil Bridge west of Port Said, to isolate the city
from any military or army deployments or support ( comming
from the Delta or Domayat )
prior to the British Para Landing on Monday 05 November 1956
in Al Gamil Airport west of the city as well​

Dr. Yahia Al Shaer
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Attackingthe Egyptian Coastguards Blocks, west of Port Said, tosilence the
strong Egyptian military defence concentrated there
(including the SU-100) which attacked the Naval Ships
prior to the British Para Landing on Monday 05 November 1956
in Al Gamil Airport west of the city as well
The strong defence there, had stopped the Para advance from the
El Gamil Airport to penetrate the city from the west
until Tuesday 06th November 1956​

Dr. Yahia Al Shaer

The Navy House Bilding
( forme Britisch Navy HQ in the Suez Canal Area prior 16th June 1956 )
after bein attacked and overrun by the British Tropps
The Egyptian Navy Soldies there, had a very strong defence, which resulted
in Stopping the advance of the Britisch 6th RTR Tanks from the
shore (north) to Al Raswa Area -and Bridges south of the city
to unite with the French Paras which landed there on Monday 5th November 1956
and combine their advance to the South ( Ismailia, Suez and Cairo).

The Brits were able to overrun occupy the Navyhouse on Wednesday
07th November 1956 after Areal Bombardments support
The Egyptian defence , resulted in the failieur of Operation Musketerr.

Dr. Yahia Al Shaer


Visible damage, caused by the Britisch Air raids and bombing
of the Egyptian Coast Guard Blocks


Dr. Yahia Al Shaer

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