Warfare Colourised Boer War and Pre ...

Commandant Wynand Malan.
He became the TVK commander when Danie Theron was killed. In the last part of the war Malan and his commando did operations in the Cape Province. a Few weeks before peace he was shot through the chest just under the heart and was taken up in a British hospital where he miraculously recovered. After the war he and his family emigrated to German-East-Africa (Tanzania)
Kommandant Hennie van Rensburg.

As 21 jarige Kaapse rebel het hy in 1901 by Wynand Malan se TVK (Theron Verkenningskommando) aangesluit. Tydens ‘n aanval op Richmond was hy gewond in sy gesig waar die koeël by sy neus in is en onder die linker oor uit. Hy het geweier om die wapen neer te lê en het te velde herstel. Die 22-jarige Van Rensburg is verkies as die laaste kommandant van die TVK na genl Malan gewond is in April 1902. Na die oorlog is hy aangekla van hoogverraad en oorlogsmisdade. Genl Hertzog het sy saak verdedig maar hy is vrygelaat onder die rebelle amnestie ooreenkoms.

To our non-Afrikaans speaking friends:
Hennie van Rensburg joined the TVK as a Cape rebel in 1901 aged 21. He survived a nasty face wound where the bullet entered under the nose and exit under the left ear. He opted not to lay down arms and recovered in the field. After Wynand Malan was wounded Hennie was elected as the TVK's Commandant. After the war he was charged for treason and war crimes but eventually set free under Cape rebel amnesty agreements

Rugby World Cup 2023 : Tribute/remembrance to Boer War era Transvaal/OVS rugby.

Stunning photo of ZAR and OVS teams at Green Point POW camp 1901. Note the huge, near round shape rugby balls.

Our rugby culture comes a long way: wonder if some of these men's blood are present in the current Bok team....
General (Judge) JBM "Barry" Hertzog. Conducted one of the first "Cape Invasions" during the guerrilla phase where he reached Lamberts Bay and returned to the Free State. He was appointed assistant Hoofkommandant of the Free State forces by de Wet while his commandos operated mainly in the Southern Free State. He was a key negotiator at the final peace talks in May 1902. Hertzog served as premier of SA for 15 years, 1924-1939.

Note the general's enamel cup hanging from the saddle...as the Brits loved their tea the Boers loved their coffee..
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Captain Jack Hindon, master train wrecker

He and his commandos operated in the Eastern Transvaal's Delagoa rail line causing serious disruption.

Interesting he joined the British army as a 14 year drummer during the Zulu wars but ran away to the Transvaal and eventually ended up as a ZARP. In the war he participated at the battle of Spioenkop.

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Derailment at Kaapmuiden

Near Nelspruit, this derailment is believed to be the work of train wreckers sabotaging the rail line. A number of soldiers died with this incident.

It seems that the rail line has already been temporary repaired with columns made of sleepers

General Georg Brand (right)

With his Mauser C-96 pistol at the ready, this ex-Grey College pupil and veteran of the Spioenkop battle participated with General Hertzog on his Cape Colony raid in 1901. Brand lead commandos in the Southern Free State during the guerrilla phase.

Acting Treasurer-General of the ZAR; PR "Paultjie" de Villiers (left)

Paul de Villiers was (is) the focus for the so-called lost Kruger millions that caused much excitement for fortune seekers over the past 100 years...

Just before Pretoria was occupied, the ZAR gold was taken away by rail and eventually sold in Lourenco Marques to a German company. However, an amount of gold was allocated to the acting treasurer general burgher Paultjie de Villiers on pack animals for government expenses in the field. As the legend goes Paultjie had his hands full evading the enemy not to let the gold fall into English hands. He eventually buried this gold at some secret spot. Paultjie finished the war as a bitter-ender but refused to do the "red oath" and went to Angola. There he became seriously ill and was brought back to the Boland region by a friend where he recovered. He eventually settled and farmed near Stellenbosch at Coetzenburg and died in 1953. It is believed that his secret re the existence and whereabout of the ZAR field gold was never revealed.

Commandant Gideon Scheepers' trial (Scheepers is sitting in the middle facing the camera)

Scheepers was trailled at Graaff-Reinet in a military court. He was found guilty for a host of charges including murder, attempted murder, assault and mistreatment of POW's . It was impossible for Scheepers to call any witnesses as they were his own men still on commando. His trail started on 18 Dec 1901. He was sentenced on 17 Jan 1902 and executed by firing squad the next day. He was buried at an undisclosed place as the British was concerned for the creation of a possible "martyr's grave"

Sergeant with elderly Boer prisoners

The sergeant looks chuffed with his POW's, maybe he got a couple of elders with huge beards to pose with him for the snap. He has the older type of ammunition webbing that was phased out and replaced with the more practical shoulder bandolier as the war went along. Note his brass belt buckle is loose.

Great photo, most probably never seen before, from a private collection

Adolph KrauseFB_IMG_1712071616090.jpg

Adolph was a Transvaal citizen from German descent and was "smuggling" men out from occupied Pretoria to the commandos to help with the armed struggle. He was caught one night due to the work of joiners and eventually executed at the Pretoria jail. Unfortunately I have no info on charges and circumstances.

Quote British troops on the alert

In the caption ( not shown ) it says men from Devons regiment. The photo appears to have been taken at Wagon Hill close to Ladysmith.

Troop ship SS Canada

This ship became a Boer War transport ship #69 in 1899

SS Canada did transport service of British troops between England/South Africa until Dec 1900.

Special apartments were prepared/refitted for Lord and Lady Roberts' return to England from Cape Town in December 1900


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