Politics British Politics

and still countries want to join :)
Why shouldn't they want to join if they weren't net contributors?
However, let me remind you Fluffy's post about new EU countries not wanting new poorer countries to join the EU.
Of course, that statement is an überBS, as there will always be old EU countries who will oppose it much more. Your article is a clear proof for that.
Seriously, your elected president of some 4th tier piss poor country on the edge of the EU - you can join the EU, you will be given an entire system of government, new roads, schools, etc, your young unemployed will get to go and live in Paris or Berlin, sending home more Euros, and they will give you in hard currency BN's. When you travel they give you a seat, not a haybale and your cousins will be rich, and you get to hang out with Merkel. Its that or learn to like a few crumbs from Putinania, and have ruski mafia on your beaches.

Which would you choose?

What I said earlier was that laying roads in Romania is unlikely to help Scottish fishermen, or steel making in South Wales.

30-40 years ago, laying roads that linked London, Paris and berlin, probably did help the UK. With German industrial might being closer, only they would benefit from further south-eastern expansion.

But doesnt this sound like a Ponzi scheme, I mean unless Australia wants to join, they are going to run out of road eventually......

And I would suggest that eventually you will see tribal/religious hatred win out over EU paychecks, and you will see real strife between 2 or 3 of these small states, within the EU. Some of the rules/expectations of EU membership are a little hard for some of these countries, with conservative or religious views. Look at the grief Hungary gets.

At which point the EU is going to beg Nato (Meaning USA and UK) to lead the peacekeeping force. Maybe Scotland would send their one and only infantry Bn...…..
you need to get back before they do a deal (Y)
Deal or no deal, I’m in a more convenient position than you, as 2 passports > 1. I can use the one that suits me more in a particular moment. Anyway, I’m back, as there was no point is staying there for more than 2 weeks. I’m brownish enough, so I’ll take a piss out of my Indian work colleagues tomorrow. No need to expose my skin for any longer. Look at Spanish pensioners - when they are 65, they look like English people at the age of 85.

best thing I had seen all day

he tried to kick the guy in the head and then got dragged off the roof and got a good kicking

They also gave the one live streaming it onto facebook a good kicking as well (Y)
It was brilliant:
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I wish I was there. After the XR guy kicked the Indian guy, I’d have told the Indian that I witnessed a racist attack against him and would have supported him if he had sued the XR cvnt.
Was very impressed with Michael Gove's speech today. Other than that, what a waste of time. The… flexibility… of most politicians never fails to amaze me. People who vehemently opposed a Brexit extension just a week ago voted for one today. My hope is that the EU Council lays down the law at long last and simply doesn't grant an extension. Apparently, the opposition to that move has been led by Ireland and the Netherlands so far, but there has to come a day when their governments realize there's just no point.
Was very impressed with Michael Gove's speech today. Other than that, what a waste of time. The… flexibility… of most politicians never fails to amaze me. People who vehemently opposed a Brexit extension just a week ago voted for one today. My hope is that the EU Council lays down the law at long last and simply doesn't grant an extension. Apparently, the opposition to that move has been led by Ireland and the Netherlands so far, but there has to come a day when their governments realize there's just no point.
to be honest just do us a favor and don't agree to an extension and thwart all these idiots - and as for the Jock spouting about Jockland god give me strength
the sooner we have an election the better

thank whoever for the French - just hope their German handlers don't change their mind

so today in parliament was a complete waste of time

The jock spouting about jockland?

this *nob jockey

its all about Jockland look at us........................

thank whoever for the French - just hope their German handlers don't change ...

It’s the Cordial Agreement thing BCNTM; the French will not let you down this time against the Germans.

Honestly it’s hard to understand all this; as Telmar said, I was confident about Boris only as of this morning and...

It’s the Cordial Agreement thing BCNTM; the French will not let you down this time against the Germans.

Honestly it’s hard to understand all this; as Telmar said, I was confident about Boris only as of this morning and...

I somehow think they might - as I suspect that is fake news

we will see - just hope someone says 'non' and put is out of our misery

There needs to be an end to this at some stage and we need to move on

There are important things that need to be dealt with in the UK such as social care etc. and all these things are taking a back seat to this carnival

We need to be out of the EU deal of no deal - we need an election to get a Parliament that can actually have a majority to pass legislation
I somehow think they might - as I suspect that is fake news

we will see - just hope someone says 'non' and put is out of our misery

There needs to be an end to this at some stage and we need to move on

There are important things that need to be dealt with in the UK such as social care etc. and all these things are taking a back seat to this carnival

We need to be out of the EU deal of no deal - we need an election to get a Parliament that can actually have a majority to pass legislation

As an outsider I don’t even have such a strong opinion - but if I was a Brit I’d be pissed about it just as much as a Brexiteer or a remainer. Enough already. It’s been three years and the Parliament can’t get things done.
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As an outsider I don’t even have such a strong opinion - but if I was a Brit I’d be pissed about it just as much as a Brexiteer or a remainder. Enough already. It’s been three years and the Parliament can’t get things done.
Indeed, we need to move on, this is nothing but a rearguard action by the remainers, even the EU has had enough, both parties want to move on to their own needs.

So I hope Macron is right.
As an outsider I don’t even have such a strong opinion - but if I was a Brit I’d be pissed about it just as much as a Brexiteer or a remainer. Enough already. It’s been three years and the Parliament can’t get things done.

It would have been helpful had "Dodgy Dave" mustered the wits to actually include the modalities of "Brexit" in the referendum. One could argue that since the referendum was effectively about invoking Article 50, which clearly specifies that …

[…] an agreement with that State, setting out the arrangements for its withdrawal, taking account of the framework for its future relationship with the Union [, shall be negotiated]​

… it should have been obvious to everybody that the vote was about leaving with a deal. After all, Article 50 is the law of the land. But the question on the ballot paper didn't specify the modalities, so I can understand why some people feel cheated.

However, I explicitly omit from that people who didn't know there was such a thing as Article 50 in the first place. If you can't be bothered to look up a word that appears on your telly screen a hundred times, you had best shove a finger into your ear and not stop pushing until it sees the light of day again on the other side.
When Dave was campaigning I actually thought he wanted to leave, as the standard of info was dire.

A more effective campaign would have covered:

1 - Membership means you can retire to spain
2- explain modern supply chains, and that there are only 2 factories in EU making whatever - tyres - neither in UK - and only one making whatever - only in the UK for all of Europe.
3 - explain joint R&D plans
4 - financials on developing markets, make more middleclass in say Poland, means they buy more M&S food, and travel more etc.
5- lots of lower paid jobs being done by people from the newer/poorer countries. - pictures of cabbages rotting etc.
6- they come here, we go there - explain visa free travel.

It really needed to be that simple. this is the masses we are talking to here, they are not going to google article 50....

Equally well the EU showed no skill at all, a simple 10 year exemption from taking people from new countries or something similar would have helped.
When Dave was campaigning I actually thought he wanted to leave, as the standard of info was dire.

A more effective campaign would have covered:

1 - Membership means you can retire to spain
2- explain modern supply chains, and that there are only 2 factories in EU making whatever - tyres - neither in UK - and only one making whatever - only in the UK for all of Europe.
3 - explain joint R&D plans
4 - financials on developing markets, make more middleclass in say Poland, means they buy more M&S food, and travel more etc.
5- lots of lower paid jobs being done by people from the newer/poorer countries. - pictures of cabbages rotting etc.
6- they come here, we go there - explain visa free travel.

It really needed to be that simple. this is the masses we are talking to here, they are not going to google article 50....

Equally well the EU showed no skill at all, a simple 10 year exemption from taking people from new countries or something similar would have helped.

What you're describing there is the rift between the elites – to whom these things seem obvious – and the lower class – to whom this is all Greek. But we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that that lower class amounts for only a part of the Leave vote.

Of course there are the rabid nationalists types like Farage and his bunch of weirdoes, but most importantly, the vote on either side was carried by emotions.

So badly in fact I'm sometimes surprised that some people would even bother coming up with arguments to support their view. "I wanna leave even though stuff will become more expensive and I can't easily travel to Spain anymore" is actually a perfectly justifiable point of view, but widespread though it seems to be no one has ever had the courage to just say it.

Well, this is the norm now. Facts don't matter; emotions do. And apparently, only the dreaded "populists" have understood that. Which is why they've come to stay, whether the establishment on either side likes it or not.
When Dave was campaigning I actually thought he wanted to leave, as the standard of info was dire.

A more effective campaign would have covered:
4 - financials on developing markets, make more middleclass in say Poland, means they buy more M&S food, and travel more etc.
5- lots of lower paid jobs being done by people from the newer/poorer countries. - pictures of cabbages rotting etc.
6- they come here, we go there - explain visa free travel.

It really needed to be that simple. this is the masses we are talking to here, they are not going to google article 50....

Equally well the EU showed no skill at all, a simple 10 year exemption from taking people from new countries or something similar would have helped.
4. Wakey-wakey. Poland is a developed market if you haven’t noticed:

5. It's even worse in Poland now, as we took about 2 mln Ukrainians and immigrants from even more #ShitholeCountries.
If you go to a British supermarket, at least staff understands you. If I go to a Polish supermarket, more or less 50% of staff are Ukrainians and a good part of them don’t understand me. I’m not a kind of a person who is going to show his anger, because somebody doesn’t speak my language, but many younger and less educated guys would. I started talking to a Ukrainian woman, using a mixture of English and Russian, so she eventually understood what I was looking for. I took it that it’s not Ukrainians’ fault that they don’t understand Polish, but it’s the supermarket management's fault they employ people with insufficient language skills and they don’t offer them any language lessons. Would I be happy if the staff was 100% Polish, but 1kg of apples cost an equivalent of £1? No, I love them costing 20p. Wherever I go on a holiday in the EU, food in Poland costs next to fuckall comparing to 90% of EU countries. It’s also significantly cheaper than in Russia and Ukraine.
Anyway, forget all your points and go the Labour way: British people don’t deserve an EU referendum, as they are not clever enough to see all advantages and disadvantages.
1 - Membership means you can retire to Spain
I never really got past no 1 - I voted to stay for that exact reason - OH wants to live somewhere warm
We basically cancelled ourselves out I voted stay and for some reason she voted to leave (I still cannot work women out)
It has just made it more difficult for me and a lot more paperwork

4. Wakey-wakey. Poland is a developed market if you haven’t noticed:
Don't shout about it too much someone will invade you again (Y)

Good to be back in 'sunny' blighty? ,-uk

"Boris Johnson will send a letter to the EU by 00:00 BST to request a Brexit delay - but he will not sign it, according to a Downing Street source.

The request will be accompanied by a second letter, signed by Mr Johnson, which will say he believes that a delay would be a mistake, the source said."
talking about Lehman Brothers..............

the cold winds blow through Spain's tourist industry

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