Photos British infantry kit over the years


Mi Major General
MI.Net Member
Jul 10, 2016
From around 1066

Middle 1200s

Early 1400s

1459 Infantry?









2014 Quite a change from 1066
They’ve gone from sharp to bullets like most every infantry around the globe. Though one could still add that bayonets are still in use to this day... good post.
The 82 set looked a little light on for cold weather gear...
An adjusted for inflation dollar value of the kit would be interesting.
Me too :) Loved the SLR :)
Yup, SLR had great deterrent value.

I was guarding our hotel one night, some guy in his dish dash knocks on the door, I open it, he’s got Pearl handled revolvers, sees the local desk manager, starts gabbling to him, makes the mistake of trying to push past me. I open the door a little wider so he can see that my SLR is infinitely bigger than his peashooter, two hands come up very quick, I’m his best friend, I explain in hand signals he’s not coming in armed.

That’s the closest I came to live fire. The guy was Royal police, aka secret police. Interesting times.....
The 82 set looked a little light on for cold weather gear...
An adjusted for inflation dollar value of the kit would be interesting.
There were a few options, heavier lined trousers, padded inner jacket, plus thermal underwear, and I’d imagine the marines had proper Arctic kit. In my time we also received the first goretex breathable waterproofs, which were a massive improvement, if you actually had to do some work, compared to the plastic waterproofs.
I had a young digger in my platoon that got stitched up for a night vision monocle, for the amount of cash they took out of his pay over the next year or so, priceless is about the dollar value they put on it.
I remain convinced that someone in that rifle company has a set of NVG at home that a young Support Company sig det digger paid for.
I carried the receipt for a hand pallet truck, in my wallet for 10 years, as the nasty WO had ‘explained’ to me that I was personally responsible for it.

Meanwhile I’m driving a 20k Land Rover, loading film at 3k per roll, and pumping 20,000 litres of fuel per trip into the aircraft, bastard!
VERY NICE photo sets, very nice!! Thanks for sharing......and yes, I love the mighty L1 SLR as well, what a bloody brut she was!!
I had a young digger in my platoon that got stitched up for a night vision monocle, for the amount of cash they took out of his pay over the next year or so, priceless is about the dollar value they put on it.
I remain convinced that someone in that rifle company has a set of NVG at home that a young Support Company sig det digger paid for.
Back when our Bn were a combined Inf/Armd unit I had a few armored lads to round out my Coy support section whilst waiting for crew slots or bad boys waiting disciplinary action. One of them managed to have his CVC (crewman helmet) stolen from his car in town when it shouldn't have left the hangers or camp. During the orderly room I found out it was worth over NZ $4500 at the time, even the CSM winced at the amount.
I posted some of these photos to a Media Album some time ago after obtaining permission to use them here
Permission was granted for photo usage by Thom Atkinson -

The 82 set looked a little light on for cold weather gear...
An adjusted for inflation dollar value of the kit would be interesting.

I started in 86, but yes it was. There was quite a bit of aditional 'non issue' stuff that we used, as Norway wise all we got extra was decent (cotton gabardine) windproofs, the (cotton towelling) Norwegian shirt, thermal hat and mitts and snow cam coveralls. Gore Tex was arround as a private purchase/SF item from about 1980 - I had a green Berghaus jacket when I joined but wore my Barbour more often - did pretty much my entire sniper course with it under my ghillie. Most guys also had civvy boots, gaiters, Helly Hansen fleece jackets and Lifa thermals - but yes, it was all a bit basic back then...
I got one of those from the DPRI half way through my recon course. One of the best bits of kit I ever bought.
They were highly sort after here after the guys got issued them for Bosnia, them gortex and Ventile smocks. Because they were so hard to get, guys would wear them till they were thread bare more patch than base material. Pretty sure I still have both stashed in a trunk somewhere.
Jeez, must have about 20 Norgis rotting away in kitbags in the loft.

Might wear one the next time I'm in greens to piss off the powers....

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