A sex guide distributed to all Finnish middle schools is bewilders: "How to get a dick deep in mouth"
The straightforward language of the book found in many middle school libraries has shocked many.
This is the work of Swedish author and sex educator Inti Chavez Perez, Respektä – Sex book for boys. The first version of the opus was published in 2010, and it was translated into Finnish in 2019.
The book talks quite frankly about “genitals, flirting, consent and refusal, pleasure and actual f***ing”. The pages of the book include instructions on how to take a “good dick picture”, have your first anal intercourse and “suck a cock”. One of the subheadings of the book is: “How to get a cock deep in mouth.”
The book talks about the genitals using colloquial terms and some of the instructions are quite graphic. For example, under the subheading “How to get a cock deep in your mouth” it is suggested to practice oral sex with a banana: “When it starts to feel good, you can try to insert the banana deeper and deeper into your mouth and try to trick the gag reflex.”