After watching ep3 of Lovecraft Country, I can only say that I don't recommend it.
In itself Lovecraft Country is nice. it is not bad but it fails to justify the Lovecraft part of its title. Dropping two or three names here and there and having unsettling/racist towns does not a Lovecraft story make. Lovecraft's name is mentioned, the protagonists end up in Massachussets at some point, the name Arkham is mentioned, the Shoggoths make an appearance (though they don't look like the things described in At the Mountains of Madness). The time period is also wrong: HPL died in 1937. His stories were not about "racism", but about horror, the unsettling, the terror created by the unknown. Most of these themes orbiting around water (which terrified Lovecraft).
What Lovecraft Country gives us is a rather generic compilation of Supernatural Horror Stories with heavy racist undertones: white people are bad and evil; and evil can only be exorcised when white people die.
What's especially annoying is, you could probably do that kind of theme in a really interesting way. Cosmic horror is extremely broad and malleable to a given subject matter, but instead of making a clever allegory the show just overtly shoves it in your face.
99% of anti-racism in film and TV is all just talking about how bad it is, and saying that it is in-fact - bad. Too much is focused on talking about divisions and less is focused on what we really need, which is about how we can mend divisions.
For all Mankind.
Interesting idea, but could have been executed in a better way.
Basically, the USSR managed to put a man on the Moon before the US, and thus starts another race with the USSR managing to always be ahead of the US.
A sort of "The Right Stuff", but somehow more plain and perhaps too progressive for the time period being treated in the show.
It's okay but could have been better.
Raised by Wolves.
Pretty good so far.
In fact, it is very, very good. Of all three shows I am talking about in this post, this is the one to watch.