Hello all!
Of course, in view of the events of this day, there are a lot jf more relevant and interesting topics have appeared for discussion. But in any case, maybe someone will look into this thread.
Work on LR has now slowed down again, however, while there is free time, I decided to clarify some more information
All sources write about the fact that in addition to the MG there was also an anti-tank weapon, namely the Karl Gustaf m/48 grenade launcher. This is confirmed by photos of reenactors' machines. However, can they be completely trusted?
In these cars, there are tubes for some kind of charges in the trunk of LR. In photo 1 there are tubes that I have not identified. In photo 2, there are generally tubes for charges of an 81-mm mortar. In addition, in the archival video (photo 3), there are bagshung in front, sometimes very reminiscent of bags for a 60 mm mortar (photo 4), but on other frames you can see that they are different and look like hydrators...
At the same time, charges for the rocket m/48 were carried in tubes of a different design: they were paired and had noticeable external differences on the lid (photo 5).
I would be grateful if someone could answer the following questions:
1. Did the Pink Panthers really carry anti-tank rocket launcher or could they use mortars?
2. What are the tubes in photo 1? Could these be British (or someone else's) tubes for m/48?
3. What could be transported in bags for a 60 mm mortar, if that really were them? Or were they used for their intended purpose, because the Panthers were armed with various types of mortars?