Politics South China Sea Thread

The fishing vessels arrived one and two at a time, dropping anchor off the disputed Whitsun Reef near the Philippines. As the Chinese-flagged fleet grew larger, the vessels tethered themselves together, hunkering down for a grey zone standoff that has captured policymaker interest throughout the Pacific region.

And with that, Beijing burst Washington’s deterrence bubble.

In congressional testimony last month, officials advocated for new, multibillion-dollar investments in long-range strike capabilities and a sophisticated missile system in Guam. These new platforms, it was argued, are essential to reassuring our regional allies and deterring China.

And yet, the Whitsun spectacle lays bare that Washington’s continued embrace of a costly, conventional deterrence strategy is alone unlikely to prevent Beijing from achieving many of its security objectives.

What’s more, China is banking on America’s prioritization of traditional deterrence at the expense of a robust, and potentially more effective, asymmetric strategy.

No doubt, American military supremacy has deterred China from achieving many of its goals. Nevertheless, Beijing has continued its incremental march forward in Hong Kong, in the Taiwan Strait and at various overseas ports.
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Via Defence News

Chinese diplomats have said the fishing boats were just sheltering from rough seas and no militia were aboard.
However Local broadcaster ABS-CBN claims the People’s Liberation Army Navy deployed two vessels carrying missiles to drive away the ship as it travelled across reefs and shoals close to the western island province of Palawan. The report added that it was the first recorded instance of a military manoeuvre against a civilian boat.
Philippine and US soldiers will conduct a two-week joint military exercise from Monday (April 12), resuming the annual training event after last year’s cancellation due to the pandemic, the Philippine military chief said on Sunday (April 11).

The announcement came after the two countries’ defence secretaries held a phone call to discuss the drills, the situation in the South China Sea, and recent regional security developments.
Unlike previous exercises, however, this year’s “Balikatan”(Shoulder-to-Shoulder) drills to test the readiness of their militaries to respond to threats such natural disasters and militant extremist attacks, will be scaled down.
Duterte is a funny guy. He really miscalculated his Chicom pals.
Duterte is a funny guy. He really miscalculated his Chicom pals.
I dont think he miscalculated his Chicom pals, I think its more of petting the dog while looking for a stick. Under his admin theres an ongoing submarine deal, Bhramos and possible F-16s if we dont go straight for the KAI Stealth fighter. The US never left, all you have to do is be in the cockpit and listen to the comms, or take pictures of Clark and look at the 3 P8 Poseidon's parked there or the UAVs parked in Zamboanga.

Where the country is miscalculating is they think China is playing chess, when it is going for Checkers. The Defense Treaty that the US and Philippines signed and the Filipinos proudly "cower" under...is not fully understood. It only takes effect if China shoots first and the US Congress and Senate decides "ok yeah, lets F*** some ching chang chongs S**t up." China knows this hence, the White Ships and the huge fishing vessels for ramming.

In Bajo de Masinloc, the Philippine Navy pulled out upon the request of the US to avoid mistakes. PN moved out with assurances but in the end the Chinese said no and the US couldnt do anything about.

So those Carrier Task Force are awesome and looks awesome, thats just what they are there for... LOOKS. (Brown people scenario they are hell incarnate, slantyboi with fishnets... not much use)
Is it me, or is the whole world getting ready for a scrap?

China v tiawan
China v phillipines
China V USA
USSR v Ukraine
Iran v Saudi
Iran v Israel
Iran v the world
Iran v USA

Appologies If I left your favourite off the list...
Every time the Chinese lose face on the Indian border, tech front or international laws, they press the SCS as it is the only domain wherein they can win and dominate.

So far their fishing militias and massive grey navy buildup on the background is allowing them some quick wins that tbey can show to their people. As long as the west remains vague about the support and the ASEAN remains divided this will continue.

I don't think they will start a shooting war or push the 9 dash line hard, doing that would deplete their "stash", of small wins whenever they are humiliated.

This is why you see what looks like a two faced approach. They look like they will occupy and expand, at the same time appeasing their neighbours. As an aggressive neighbour like Vietnam or the Philippines would make a mistake and push them to go to war and ruin their "bank of quick wins." The mote their neighbours remain relaxed and not go into a military build up, the longer the charade or game will be for them to benefit

Who knows what they are planning? Eventually they wan't all for themselves no sharing.

Their Dr.No bases tell it all.
Is it me, or is the whole world getting ready for a scrap?

China v tiawan
China v phillipines
China V USA
USSR v Ukraine
Iran v Saudi
Iran v Israel
Iran v the world
Iran v USA

Appologies If I left your favourite off the list...

We are on the verge of a third world war. That's for sure.
Is it me, or is the whole world getting ready for a scrap?

China v tiawan
China v phillipines
China V USA
USSR v Ukraine
Iran v Saudi
Iran v Israel
Iran v the world
Iran v USA

Appologies If I left your favourite off the list...
Argies are up for round two
China smells weakness. Russia smells weakness. Iran smells weakness.
Does not matter what they smell - it's what they taste in the end is all that matters
Does not matter what they smell - it's what they taste in the end is all that matters
That’s true.

I don’t disagree with the smell, but sleeping giants should be last as is.

Australia to send warships through disputed waters in the South China Sea.
Other than annoying the Chinese I really dont get the point of all the Navy ships being there. This is nota shootingbwar but one of ramming and just ignoring world opinion.

Build giant fishing ships or donate an Iowa class battleship without the guns and painted in white to the Philippine Coast Guard to play bump ships with
Talk about flex, when you are able to sit back and relax a few yards from the biggest bully in Asia. Knowing full well should that bully act out, the response would be so Biblically disproportionate, people would be reading about it in the Old Testament.

I've been looking at Sinodefence for a while and I get the impression that half of the members are insane and dangerous.

Something like a honest outlook at what would happen if the CCP ruled the world. They want world dominance (but living in the west now as the fifth column).

Copied from the sinodefence forum, don't want to know how many Chinese CCP followers have similar wishes and ideas:


Junior Member​

Registered Member

emblem21 said:
I can see the benefit in this because really, they have become a little too proud and a little too willing to go to war for anything they want. Really, I wouldn't mind if they simply got rid of all the Anglos in the world at this point since they keep on playing themselves as heroes while behaving worse then villains right now. All that is needed is for a civil war/natural disaster and that will be the beginning of the end for all of these idiots, then we can watch this eyes get put out without mercy.
I’ve given this done thought; any war between China and the Five Eyes is going to result in some world changing events comparable to the dissolution of the League of Nations and the fall of the soviet union.

The lands of the Anglos are forfeit in the case of a war and Chinese victory; i don't think anything less than the complete population transfer of non Chinese inhabitants of the Five Eyes back to the UK would suffice.
I believe that is more humane than the alternative which is an Anglo inspired process of genocide.

lucretius said:
Your advocating genocide?

Have you heard of what Anglo mouthpieces advocate for China, let alone Chinese people living in the West?

Personally, if i was involved in such a war i'd be going full on Ghengis Khan style, razing all major cities of the Five Eyes to pasture and ruins, killing all Anglo males above the age of 12, and castrating the rest and forcing them into gold and sulphur mines. The females to be sinocised and assimilated into the Chinese nation.
But that's only if i was already so traumatised from having to go to an Anglo instigated war.


I've been looking at Sinodefence for a while and I get the impression that half of the members are insane and dangerous.

Something like a honest outlook at what would happen if the CCP ruled the world. They want world dominance (but living in the west now as the fifth column).

Copied from the sinodefence forum, don't want to know how many Chinese CCP followers have similar wishes and ideas:


Junior Member​

Registered Member

I’ve given this done thought; any war between China and the Five Eyes is going to result in some world changing events comparable to the dissolution of the League of Nations and the fall of the soviet union.

The lands of the Anglos are forfeit in the case of a war and Chinese victory; i don't think anything less than the complete population transfer of non Chinese inhabitants of the Five Eyes back to the UK would suffice.
I believe that is more humane than the alternative which is an Anglo inspired process of genocide.

Have you heard of what Anglo mouthpieces advocate for China, let alone Chinese people living in the West?

Personally, if i was involved in such a war i'd be going full on Ghengis Khan style, razing all major cities of the Five Eyes to pasture and ruins, killing all Anglo males above the age of 12, and castrating the rest and forcing them into gold and sulphur mines. The females to be sinocised and assimilated into the Chinese nation.
But that's only if i was already so traumatised from having to go to an Anglo instigated war.


Crazy stuff. But my decoder ring tells me that the Chicoms know they have a problem. Too many males and too few females to keep their society going. A result of the nearly half billion children, (in the womb and elsewhere) murdered to sustain the one child policy.

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