Novosibirsk-based Russian magazine reports that 42 members of a SOBR anti-terror unit were killed by Ukrainian forces on the 25th, including their commander, a veteran of the wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya. Colonel Konstantin Ogiy, the head of Rosgvardia's Kemerovo Region directorate, indicated that riot police officers were also killed in the same ambush. (Source, use DeepL)
When you are in power for over 20 years it's really easy to lose some touch with reality.

If he can make such a high ranking intelligence officer like Naryshkin tremble like school boy in front of him while telling him what he wants to hear, I am willing to bet that he is almost completely if not fully surrounded by cowardly yes-men in his inner circle. In that case, if Putin himself really believes that Ukrainians would lay down their weapons, I don't think that he had much opportunity to hear some opposing views.

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Hoping that One or two of those yes men grow a pair ?
Besides being an Armenian Genocide apologist and an Erdogan bot, you've also missed a fairly obvious point. I would have thought that "every side, including NATO" was self-explanatory.

As for Novi Pazar, I seem to remember your lot abandoning it without a fight in 1912.

Erdogan bot? Bruhhh I'm secularist..

What can you do when you got roasted against Turk during debate.

-Blame him Erdogan fan ✅
-Blame Armenian Genocide ✅
-Forget about hundred years livin under Turkish boots & praise by chance earned victory aka Balkan war.✅

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The Russians shelled a shopping centre:
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Remains of a Russian tank:
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That's how it got destroyed:
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Really wonder how long soldiers are going to obey
By the way, has anyone posted that the guys from Snake Island are alive? Because they are.
If they are alive, and that´s a very big if, the way Russia handled this shows the very low skill set of the Russian army communication device.

Not communicating back then was perhaps meant to scare the Ukrainian soldiers. But as their legend grew, it galvanized the my take is in a last minute turnaround, it was better to say they were alive and were taken prisoner.
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As shocking as these images are, it's important these events be recorded for posterity by first-hand witnesses. I don't think the Russians accounted for how much the Ukrainians would share their plight with the world. This isn't Chechnya or Syria. That's probably another reason why Putin wanted this thing wrapped up quickly. He can't control the narrative beyond his borders, and even within his borders he can't do it for long.
Ruskies Running from bayraktarski

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In addition to high value targets, TB-2s are used by targeting logistics elements rather than armored vehicles, unlike Karabakh. TB-2's share big pie share in the logistical weakness and turmoil of the Russians perhaps
Novosibirsk-based Russian magazine reports that 42 members of a SOBR anti-terror unit were killed by Ukrainian forces on the 25th, including their commander, a veteran of the wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya. Colonel Konstantin Ogiy, the head of Rosgvardia's Kemerovo Region directorate, indicated that riot police officers were also killed in the same ambush. (Source, use DeepL)
Piderast uzhe umerl.
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Russia has an active regional system going in INR, RMB and possibly Iranians as well, in addition to all its traditional SU buddies.
It needs to be expanded, that's all.
What motivated Germany to continue dealing with China despite much opposition from the rest of EU ?
Same magic works here to, with what Russia has to offer.
Russia has nothing to 'offer' that I want
As shocking as these images are, it's important these events be recorded for posterity by first-hand witnesses. I don't think the Russians accounted for how much the Ukrainians would share their plight with the world. This isn't Chechnya or Syria. That's probably another reason why Putin wanted this thing wrapped up quickly. He can't control the narrative beyond his borders, and even within his borders he can't do it for long.
Pretty sure there can be a morale issue in the Russian army itself soon. Shelling the city that looks the one where you grew up, where people have the same religion, speak an extremely similar language...and who last but not least never did anything against you.
As much as I hate what Putin has done with Ukraine, I feel really sorry for these young Russian soldiers, they are following orders and died for a mad man's bad decision.
According to the Russian MOD, all personnel taking part in the spetzoperatsiya are contract soldiers. If they really thought there was no chance of them going into Ukraine after the "North Wind" episodes of 2014 and 2015, they shouldn't be allowed to cross the street on their own.
Novosibirsk-based Russian magazine reports that 42 members of a SOBR anti-terror unit were killed by Ukrainian forces on the 25th, including their commander, a veteran of the wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya. Colonel Konstantin Ogiy, the head of Rosgvardia's Kemerovo Region directorate, indicated that riot police officers were also killed in the same ambush. (Source, use DeepL)

I wonder if it was a vehicle ambush, because that's quite a lot of casaulties.

Edit: Nvm article seems to actualy clarifiy that their vehicles were ambushed.
I'm perfectly willing to consider any move you might suggest he could've had made. I don't think there would've been an alternative save sending actual troops to Ukraine – a move which would've seemingly justified the Russian aggression against Ukraine, and to which a Putin who talks as this one does would've almost certainly responded with war regardless.

Only he would've had his people and allies firmly on his side, being able to point to an "aggression" by NATO.Not disproving my point in any shape or form, or is it? NATO actually apologised for the strike against Nis. Like I said with regard to the video discussed previously, the visuals alone don't make it a war crime. The intentions might. Still, a terrible sight.Absolutely.
pre invasion I think Trump would have hammered on them to present a unified face against the Putin, similar as to what happened after the invasion. Trump would have tried to make something like this happen prior to the invasion. There are a lot of possibilities, but IMHO he would have tried to be much more proactive than Biden proved. Biden showed as much leadership as a bowl of jello.

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