Is there any possibility that someone on top of the apc survived this?
2 crew + at least 5 on top and a capacity to carry 11 inside......
oh... I am not a forgiving person.
So I hope most of you survived.
Because the Russians just throw a few shovels of dirt on the dead and deny they were there, and that's it.
But the care of the wounded ...
Although ....
Have you heard of the Samovars?
That's what they called the war invalids who lost their legs and limbs in WWII.
Until the Russian leadership said, this is intolerable, something must be done.
So they were forcibly taken off the streets and put in closed institutions.
"..... Just a ruble, my beauty, for the invalid! Charlotte involuntarily avoided him, so frightened was she by the way he was growing out of the ground. It was then that she noticed the army invalids - the 'samovars' - swarming around the market. Sometimes on small tyre wheels, sometimes on mere ball-bearings, they wheeled their crates to the exit, calling out to people for money or tobacco. Some gave, others quickened their steps, others cursed and added in a lecture: 'You are being taken for a ride by the state... Have you no shame?'...
... Charlotte finished her narrative on the way back.
- The authorities had finally had enough of these cripples in the square, their shouting, their fighting. But mostly, they had cast a bad light on the great Victory. You know, they prefer it when a soldier is brave and smiling, or ... falls on the battlefield. And they ... In a word, several trucks arrived one day, the police took the samovars out of their crates and threw them into the hold. Just as they throw the wooden legs onto the wagon. A woman in Moscow told me that they were taken to an island in the northern lakes. An old leper colony had been converted for them... I tried to inquire about the colony in the autumn. I thought I'd go there to work. But when I got there in the spring, I was told that there were no more invalids on the island and that the leper colony had been dismantled... Otherwise, it was a very beautiful place. ..." (Andrei Makine: The French Legacy)