Photos Navies Of All Nations

Aircraft carrier USS Lexington (CV-2) steams through an aircraft-deployed smoke screen off Panama, 26 February 1929, shortly after that year's "Fleet Problem" exercises.

Boeing F4B-4 fighters, of VF-6B, spotted for take off over USS Saratoga's stern, on 17 May 1934. Aircraft launching over the stern likely is the reason for the large crowd of onlookers on the 8" turrets.
New Zealand:
Dido class cruiser HMNZS Bellona berthed in Wellington, New Zealand 1946-53
The bust of Marshal Foch on board the cruiser named after him, Brest, May 11th 1931

Families bidding farewell to the school-cruiser Jeanne d'Arc, Brest Arsenal, October 5th 1935

This is the fifth cruise around the world (Brest, Saint Helena, Cape Horn, Valparaiso, Cape of Good Hope, East Africa, Suez canal, Med, Brest). On board, 91 aspiring officers including 7 Romanian and Polish

Crew picture onboard the French submarine Monge (Q144), 1936

Maybe in Toulon (not enough details about her early life).
Monge was part of the 3rd submarine flottilla, which was based in Bizerte. The next year she would patrol the Indochinese waters.

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Imperial Italy:
One hundred men posing on a 381 mm gun built for a never completed Francesco Caracciolo-class battleship, Ansaldo factory, 1917

Ships moored in the harbour of Fiume on 14 July 1919; from left to right, the Italian battleships Emanuele Filiberto and Dante Alighieri, the armoured cruiser San Marco, and the American protected cruiser USS Olympia (C-6)

Battleship Dante Alighieri, left, and the auxiliary ship Cortellazzo (former armoured cruiser Marco Polo), right, Fiume harbour, December 1920; the latter is blocking the entrance, to prevent the battleship sailing

Gabriele D'Annunzio, on 12 September 1919, led a force that occupied the city of Fiume (today Rijeka, Croatia) and unilaterally set himself as governor of the "Reggenza Italiana del Carnaro", while proclaiming the annexation of the city to the Kingdom of Italy. The Italian government refused to recognise his coup and told him to leave, but at first did not use force to suppress the movement, as D'Annunzio's gesture had wide approval not only amidst Italian public opinion, but in the armed forces as well. Of the several Italian ships in the harbour, among which the dreadnought Dante Alighieri, some outright defected and put themselves under D'Annunzio's command, while the others were virtually beset by desertions and the unwillingness of their commanders to escalate things.

The stalemate endured till December 1920 when, after a new Italian government had taken power, the order was given to reduce the rebellion with force. The Italian loyalist ships in Fiume received orders to leave, but some had been disabled to prevent being seized by D'Annunzio's forces, and the Dante was prevented from leaving by the rebels placing the old ship Cortellazzo as to block the harbour entrance. In the end, on 24 December 1920 (what would be later called by Fascist historiography and memorials the "bloody Christmas") the Italian Army and Navy attacked D'Annunzio's troops, that after token resistance surrendered at once.

Other than the geopolitical effects, this events were momentous for the Italian armed forces, as it was the first large-scale mutiny that they had ever experienced, with several thousand soldiers deserting from their units, and lone crewmen and even ships sailing to join him. The widespread approval of D'Annunzio's actions, moreover, meant that punishment levied on the deserters would be mild, both out of sympathy from the judging officers and both out of fear that harsher punishment would lead to resentment and disorder.

The King of Italy Vittorio Emanuele III surrounded by the officers and crewmen of the battleship Duilio, Naples, 29 May 1921
Battlecruiser HMS REPULSE, post her first reconstruction. Note the cutouts in the 6" upper belt for the torpedo tubes.

A Royal Marine Bugler sounds the "Fall In" for a practice landing party on board HMS Duke Of York in northern waters. In the background are two of the 5.25 inch gun turrets, June 1943
USS Mississippi battleship (BB-23) under construction at the Cramp shipyard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1907. First unit of a class of only 2, ended her days in WW2 in the Greek Navy and sunk by German air attack on April 1941.
USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63) in Sydney Harbour, July 2007
Frigate Canopo (F 551) sailing in rough seas, mid-1960s

Guided missile cruiser Caio Duilio (C 554) transits the canal at Taranto, circa 1980s

3 Nibbio class patrol boats in1985. Also called the Sparviero-class. They got away with their small size due to being designed for short range, high speed ops and with no crew accommodation
Destroyer Francesco Mimbelli (D-561) underway during operations in the central Mediterranean Sea, Oct 26, 2013.

USCGC Eastwind. In October 1944 she would capture the German weather station Edelweiss II and support ship Externsteine.

Here are some of the USCGC Eastwind War Diary pages covering the below events
A ship was thought to be in the area when on October 3rd 1944 Eastwind's plane spotted "enemy activity, without signs of life." Overnight into the 4th the ship placed men ashore who took "12 prisoners by enveloping same before daylight." They were able to learn the support ship Externsteine was also in the area.

On the 15th October the Externsteine was spotted and fired upon until the "vessel signaled, with blinker, 'We give up.'" The Externsteine was eventually broken free from the ice.

USS Canberra (CA-70), centre, USS Claxton (DD-571), left, & USS Killen (DD-593), right, in a floating dry dock at Manus, Dec 2nd 1944.


Crew from the LST-806 inspect a damaged Japanese float plane. Palawan, Philippines. March 22, 1945

USS Hoggath Bay (CVE-75) at anchor circa in 1945. She is painted in Camouflage Measure 32, Design 12A.
Light cruiser Emanuele Filiberto Duca d'Aosta while in the Fratelli Orlando dockyard in Livorno, between 1934 and 1935.

Littorio class battleship Roma in the later process of fitting out in Trieste in summer 1942, to her right the battleship Conte di Cavour while being repaired and refitted after she was disabled in Taranto in 1941.

Battleship Roma about to become fully operational, Trieste, summer 1942
A 10.5cm SK C/33 anti-aircraft mounting on the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen in US Navy service, preparing for the Operation Crossroads nuclear tests in 1946. Photo was taken by the US Navy's Bureau of Ordnance on 17 June 1946 to document the ship before the nuclear tests.
HMCS Winnipeg with an RCAF CH-148 Cyclone and a CP-140 Aurora while on OP Neon, enforcing sanctions on North Korea, Nov 2020
Submarine Bouan (ex-U510) seen from the light cruiser Montcalm with HMS Implacable in the background, Portland Harbour, July 8th 1949
8th Dec 2003. Vanguard class SSBN HMS Victorious (S-29) returning to HMNB Clyde (Faslane). Photo by Mez Merrill.

3rd Jan 2005, HMS Chatham arrived off Sri Lanka to provide disaster relief after the Boxing Day tsunami
Task Force 77 operating in the South China Sea, March 1965. Ranger (CVA-61), Yorktown (CVS-10), Coral Sea (CVA-43), Hancock (CVA-19) and escorts.

USS Bradley (DE-1041) Launching a Sea Sparrow missile during initial shipboard trials of the Basic Point Defense Missile System between February and September 1967. Courtesy of Lieutenant Commander Stephen S. Roberts, USNR, 1977 U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph. Catalog #: NH 86116
Imperial Germany:
Battlecruiser SMS Derfflinger, the "Iron Dog" (nicknamed by her crew) in 1918.

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