Photos Korean War - Nth Korean & Chinese Forces


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Apr 2, 2017
Chinese Troops throw rocks during the Battle of Triangle Hill, 1952
Three Korean Communists in a fishing boat are captured by the USS MANCHESTER off the coast of Korea on May 10, 1951.
To protect against American artillery fire and air attacks, the Chinese and North Koreans created deep underground tunnels, rooms and bunkers nearly impervious to all but direct hits by heavy-caliber weapons. These Chinese soldiers are armed with “potato masher” grenades. (Eastphoto.)
Red Chinese soldiers cover Americans emerging from a cave to surrender. Most likely a propaganda shot.(Eastphoto.)
Zhou Enlai (left), Communist Chinese premier and foreign minister, stands with Chairman Mao Zedong and Lin Biao (right), one of Red China’s outstanding commanders. (Eastphoto.)

Chinese Communist infantry moving to an attack in Korea. (Eastphoto.)
A Chinese soldier displays knocked-out U.S. tank of 1st Cavalry Divison in the early months of the Chinese intervention. (Eastphoto.)

Two Chinese Communist soldiers in their standard padded cotton uniforms stand guard on the edge of the neutral zone at Panmunjom, midway between the communist and United Nations lines, where the two-year truce talks were largely held. (U.S. Navy photo.)
As the Korean War went on, American air power methodically demolished virtually everything in North Korea having any military significance whatsoever. Here supply warehouses at the east-coast port of Wonsan are bombed in July, 1951.

North Korean Premier Kim Il Sung prepares to sign armistice handed to him July 27, 1953, by General Nam Il, head of the communist delegation at Panmunjom. (Eastphoto.)

Chinese Communist commander Peng Dehuai signs Korean armistice at Kaesong. (Eastphoto.)
Two Indian soldiers carrying a weeping Chinese prisoner-of-war to the exchange point in Panmunjom, North Korea, for return to the Communists after the Korean War, 5th October 1953. He was among 65 Chinese soldiers who asked to be repatriated to their homeland. (Photo by Bride Lane Library/Popperfoto via Getty Images/Getty Images)’.
25Jun50- At 4:00 Am the NKPA force of 90,000 with thousands more in reserve to the rear slam positions all across the 38th Parallel. Lead by Soviet made T34 soviet tanks of the WWII era, the mad rush to Pusan is on in full.

It is raining across the country.

The sounds of artillery fire begin moving the air as flashes of hot metal arch through the sky. Bewildered citizens break in all directions. Children scattered in the onslaught. US advisors (about 500) strong, or left basically powerless as they have no organized man power to react of their own. Available planes are not available for the South Korean forces.

At 0600 a phone call to HQ for help gets no reaction in the Ongjin Peninsula. A second call filters up through the ranks at HQ at 0900 requesting air evacuation. Two US piloted L-5 planes from Seoul to extricate US advisors trapped there. The following day, LSTs would rescue the remaining survivors.

One South Korea who witnessed the onslaught likened the attempted repulse to throwing eggs against a rock.

Not everyone started at the same time. One Division was an hour late in launching out of N. Korea. NKPA infantry could be seen with foliage tucked into their helmets and uniforms in support of the sneak attack. Incursions and border disputes had been going on for months along the border. The US believes this to be one in the same when word first reaches D.C. That will change at 11:00 AM when Premier Kim Il Sung announces a full scale invasion is taking place over the radio. Kim reports that the action was due to South Korean Hostilities along the parallel.

8Jun50 Over two weeks prior to the assault, Pyongyang newspapers report that a Parliament would be elected in August based on a discovered manifesto. In conjunction with that election, a meeting was scheduled in Seoul for August 15th. (Clearly a tell tale sign of what was coming).

24Jun50 "There is no suspicion of an invasion from North Korea. Four South Korean divisions and one regiment are deployed defensively to react to hostilities, but only four regiments and one battalion are posted near the front lines south of the 38th Parrallel. The remainder are stationed to the rear. Many of the South Koreans and the KMAG advisors are on weekend liberty when the invasion begins."

All of that would change in just a few short hours.

Apparently "calling cadence", the North Korean Communist military policeman, on the right, stands to the side of the road leading to the Panmunjom military armistice site on Oct. 28, 1951, as two armed Communist military policeman march in single file.
Both, American and Communist military policemen spread about the Korean neutral zone, keep their eyes open for possible violations of the U.N.-Communists agreements.

(Colorized by Noah Werner Winslow from the USA)

Russian-built North Korean SU-76 Self-Propelled Artillery Piece is examined by U.S. personnel, including a Navy Commander, after it was disabled by United Nations' forces during early fighting in the Korean War. This 1943-44 vintage vehicle had a crew of four and mounted a 76.2 millimeter gun with 62 rounds of ammunition. The hole in the angle of the bow glacis plate may have been made by the projectile that knocked it out of action. Other damage is visible just above the gun barrel. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

A Russian made T34/85 tank knocked out in Taejon, Korea, on 20 July stands at testimony to the heroic action of Major General William F. Dean, Commanding Officer,24th Infantry Division.(Korean War Signal Corps Collection).
Just watched an amazing documentary about this on Amazon Prime - "Task Force Faith", what a well done show and messed up operation!!

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