You don't compete with consumers, you compete with suppliers.
If that is so, how come Walmart doesn't post armed guards infront of their competitors' branches to discourage the customers from entering?
No offence, mate, but you're greatly overestimating the importance of Russia in this context. This conflict isn't really about gas, except for the merry few individuals inside Congress who get to dine with the gas industry's lobbyists in fancy restaurants. But they're not a majority. How come they're able to win majority votes then?
See, the competitors here aren't Russia and America … but America and Europe. For twenty years, the growing division between the US and Western Europe has been souring our relationship. The continent is drifting away from the American sphere of influence and tries to get its own thing going. The political and economical dimensions of this development dwarf the gas business by many orders of magnitude.
On a sidenote KGB had nothing to do with the poisoning of Markov.
I'm delighted to hear my perception of the KGB was all wrong. I'm sure they were just plucking daisy flowers all day.
Besides, I suspect you got the point.
Bot Iran AND Russia are the main competitors to US oil and gas interests in the Middle East.
You'll find my reply below.
Saudis are even worse yet Americans cooperate with them. US diplomacy in the region has very little to do with morality or democracy.
… and yet the new administration has just thrown the Saudi Crown Prince under the bus, accusing him of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi and ending all weapons exports to Saudi Arabia. Do you care to elaborate how that's possible?
The thing is, you believe to be observing realpolitik and think it refutes my point, but you've fallen into the trap of only perceiving America's policies through the foreign lense completely disregarding the sensitivities colliding inside that country. Americas strong historical ties with Israel would be such a sensitivity. Not siding with Israel against Iran would be tantamount to political suicide for any US president.
The historical dimension of the relationship between Iran and the US is another. Most American citizens genuinely believe Iran is the greatest threat to their national security and it'd be immensely shortsighted to attribute those feelings to media manipulation or some such nonsense. The thing is, both countries are interlocked in what could be called a "hereditary emnity" like the one that used to divide France and Germany.
You're eager to rationalise a conflict driven by emotions, an effort doomed from the start. Telling you the truth, I'm beginning to think the source of Russian-Western tensions is our inability to understand each other's mentality. The myriad of things Westerners get wrong about Russia is a topic for another day, what you guys don't get is the importance of emotions in Western politics and the lack of long-run agendas.
There is no "great plan" to piss on Mother Russia's lawn everywhere she sets up shop. America's leaders are only interested in producing headlines that get them re-elected, and some of them have to stand for re-election every two years (!). And the simple truth is that taking military actions against Iran's interests is quite popular.