This is Jack H. Pulliam from Company G / 513th PIR just after being rescued by men of the 4th Infantry Division. He wears the cap of a German officer he's presumed to have killed. Location:
#Germany, February 13th, 1945.
Jack was born in January 7, 1925 and spent his youth in
#Lucerne, Pennsylvania. He was volunteer for the U.S. Army in January 7, 1943 and was sent to the 44th Infantry Division at Fort Lewis, WA. He was a volunteer for the
#airborne troops and was transferred to Parachute School at Fort Benning in March 1944 where he was finally assigned to Company G / 513th PIR as light machine gunner after having successfully completed his paratrooper course.
On January 7, 1945, on his 20th birthday, he was captured at Flamierge during the terrible battle of "Dead Man's Ridge". He was sent to
#clervaux, then to Prüm and was treated roughly by the Germans. Jack was used as a slave labo in construction jobs and repair work on railroads.
He was wounded at
#Garolstein and escaped the Germans on February 7 with Ed Summers. They reached Prüm on February 9 and went into hiding until the town was taken by the men of the
#4thinfantrydivision on February 13.
He spent two weeks in hospital to recover from malnutrition and was unable to return to his unit because of a '
#prisonerofwar' status. He was finally shipped back to States in March 1945 and completed the military asa automatic weapons instructor at
#fortbenning. He was discharged in November 1945 as a S/Sgt.
Colour by Jake
"ETO HQ 45 13236 13 FEB
Photo by .Lt. A.J. Salvas (166) NARA