A nuclear-armed submarine had indeed been in the vicinity, but essentially only since the British had needed underwater assets immediately and couldn't afford to waste any time. This rather innocent tidbit was heartily welcomed by Argentine nationalists who created the narrative: It took them the power of the atom bomb to stop us. Or: Lo! how those colonialist imperials terrorised us with the threat of nuclear armageddon whilst we were pressing our righteous cause.
I wonder if Argentina's obssession with the
Falklands marks a repressed inferiority complex of sorts, the like of which may be observed in many a neophyte (or quasi-neophyte). I mean, how can they style themselves champions against colonialism? Half the country's population comprises third or fourth generation immigrants from Europe and Russia. Only a handful of indigenous peoples are left. Judging by their own untenable morality, the Argentines have barely ceased being colonialists themselves.