Captured Argentine Pucara

Captured Argentine Pucara, note this aircraft is painted in British markings as it was test flown by the RAF, it also featured at the Farnborough air show 1983 After the Argentine surrender, eleven Pucarás (four of them in flying condition) were captured by British forces. Six were taken back to the United Kingdom,
Airlifted by 18 Squadron Chinook ZA707 to the Atlantic Causeway in Port William on 10 July 1982, A-515 was Shipped back to the UK onboard the Atlantic Causeway, via San Carlos Water on 13 July, arriving at Devonport naval dockyard on 27 July.
Following offloading and stripping down, and taken by road to A&AEE Boscombe Down on 1 August. A-515 was then transferred to MoD (PE) Air Fleet at A&AEE for limited flying trials/handling evaluation as the only captured Pucara to be flown in the UK. At this point, the aircraft was allotted it's RAF serial Number (ZD-485), which together with RAF roundels was painted over the original Argentine camouflage scheme, and the airframe was surveyed, with damaged and missing parts replaced
Following taxying trials on 22 February 1983, ZD485 began flight trails 0n 28 April. Using spares provided by ZD486 and ZD487, ZD485 is flown by A&AEE ‘A’ Squadron pilot Squadron Leader Russell Peart and S/Ldr Banfield for some 25 hours. Trials included take-offs from grass, on which it performed well, and simulated combat against many types including the Sea Harrier commanded by David Morgan, and proved to be a robust and capable aircraft, other than being criticized for a lack of air conditioning, although no useful function for such a type in the RAF could be envisaged.
ZD485 was used for the following flights;
28 Apr 83 First flight – handling assessment. (45 minutes).
9 May 83 Two flights – asymmetric handling and engine relights; pilot S/Ldr Banfield (1.50 hrs)
13 May 83 To Larkhill Ranges (1.30 hrs)
19 May 83 Handling assessment (1.15 hours)
20 May 83 Operations from grass. (40 minutes)
3 Jun 83 Operations from grass; pilot S/Ldr Allen; 40 minute flight.
7 Jun 83 Two flights, including further operations from grass. Total 90 minutes.
10 Jun 83 Take off and landing assessment. 35 minute flight.
11 Jun 83 Air Display - ETPS open day. Five minute flight.
23 Jun 83 Simulated attacks on rapier missile system. One hour flight.
27 Jun 83 ‘1v1’ combat against Puma helicopter. 45 minute flight.
28 Jun 83 ‘1v1’ combat against Sea King helicopter. 45 minute flight.
7 Jul 83 Low level trials. 40 minute flight.
11 Jul 83 Air Display, NAS Yeovilton. 1.10hr flight.
12 Jul 83 Fighter affiliation vs. two F4 Phantoms. 1.10hr flight.
21 Jul 83 Performance Assessment and delivery to RAF Greenham Common
On 23/24 Jul 1983, the aircraft appeared in the static display at the 1983 International Air Tattoo at RAF Greenham Common, after being flown there on the 21st July, returning to Boscombe Down, making a landing on grass after a 20 minute flight, on 25 July. On 9 September, the aircraft was flown from Boscombe Down to Aerospace Museum, RAF Cosford, Salop, where the incomplete A-528 was also displayed between Oct 1982 and May 1985; (Following disposal by the RAFM A-528 is now at the Norfolk & Suffolk Aviation Museum, Flixton, and A-533/ZD487 with the Imperial War Museum).
Since repainted into original Argentine light camouflage scheme colours, ZD485 was allotted instructional serial 9245M on 23 August 1995. Donated to RAFM by MoD on 3 August 1998, the aircraft remains on display at Royal Air Force Museum, Cosford