Photos Falklands War Photos


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Jan 21, 2002

THE FALKLANDS CONFLICT, APRIL - JUNE 1982. © Crown copyright. IWM (FKD 264) IWM Non Commercial License

A Royal Navy Westland Sea King HC.4 of 825 Naval Air Squadron takes off after transporting J Company, 42 Commando, Royal Marines from Port San Carlos to Darwin on the 28th May 1982


THE FALKLANDS CONFLICT, APRIL - JUNE 1982. © Crown copyright. IWM (FKD 2300) IWM Non Commercial License

Three Hawker Siddeley Harrier GR3s of No 1 Squadron RAF ranged (in the foreground) alongside seven Royal Navy British Aerospace Sea Harrier FR1s and a Sea King HAS.5 of 820 Naval Air Squadron on the flight deck of HMS HERMES, on the day that No 1 Squadron joined the ship in the South Atlantic. The first Harrier GR.3 is carrying a 1000lb laser-quided bomb (GBU-16 Paveway II) on its outer pylons. On the centre deck is Sea Harrier FRS.1 (XZ499) of 800 Naval Air Squadron, in which Lt Cdr Smith destroyed an Argentine Skyhawk.


THE FALKLANDS CONFLICT, APRIL - JUNE 1982. © Crown copyright. IWM (FKD 452) IWM Non Commercial License

Close up of a No 1 Squadron RAF operated British Aerospace Harrier GR3 with a modified addition of an AIM 9 Sidewinder air-to-air missile mounted on the port wing, on board HMS HERMES


THE FALKLANDS CONFLICT, APRIL - JUNE 1982. © Crown copyright. IWM (FKD 357) IWM Non Commercial License

Boeing Chinook HC.1, call-sign 'Bravo November' (serial ZA718), of No 18 Squadron RAF being flown by Squadron Leader Dick Langworthy, brings supplies to Fitzroy at sunset. Bravo November played a key role in the taking of the Fitzroy settlement, transporting 156 paratroopers from Goose Green.
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And more falklands pics


THE FALKLANDS CONFLICT, APRIL - JUNE 1982. © Crown copyright. IWM (FKD 383) IWM Non Commercial License

Training and redistribution of military equipment at Ascension Island. A Westland Sea King HC.4 delivers 105mm howitzers of 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery to Wideawake Airfield.


THE FALKLANDS CONFLICT, APRIL - JUNE 1982. © Crown copyright. IWM (FKD 2102) IWM Non Commercial License

Two British Aerospace Sea Harrier FRS 1s in flight. They are from background to foreground: ZA176 and XZ451 both of 801 Naval Air Squadron.
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Great Photos but I always wonder where the photos of the Argentinian soldiers are?
We should not forget that they were soldiers and in the most part just doing their jobs and had many losses too.

The Junta were fools to think we would not retaliate and take back the Falklands
Great Photos.
read a previous post on here about the ridiculous possibility that the Argentinians would invade again. (think it was posted by a member called Mineman)


If they invaded again they should expect the same response.
Regardless of what the Argentinian people think about the Falklands and its sovereignty, too many people have died keeping it safe in British hands.
The Falklands has been occupied by the Brits for many years and I doubt that the British Government would allow it to be taken again. It would show weekness and that is something the British people are not, like it or not.

I feel very sorry for the Argentinian soldiers who died and I will remember them in my prayers but thats how I feel about it.
Great subject matter
Here is a photo of two HMS Cardiff radar operators dressed in anti-flash gear.

Public domain photo
By Kenneth Ian Griffiths (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
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Photos shared from FB and credit given where known. Sorry of any of these have been posted before elsewhere

RFA Sir Galahad on fire.jpg

The RFA Sir Galahad on fire, Fitzroy, 8 June, photo taken by David Langham of 81 Ord Coy, Falklands.

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13 June, 2 PARA mortars remain in reserve whilst a salvo is being fired at the enemy and guns of 29 Cdo are being moved forward after the brigade attack, Falklands.

scout helicopter 656 squadron AAC falklands war.jpg

Scout of 656 Sqn AAC ready for medical evacuation at Fitzroy, Falklands. Author: Robin C Goodwin.

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Marine Steve Shaw of 3 Bde HQ & Sig Sqn stands guard over hooded argentinian prisoners of POA Mike 5, San Carlos, Falklands.. They were forward observers of the Argentine Air Force and were captured by the 3 PARA near Teal Inlet. Their OP was on Bombilla Hill.

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GPMG on board a LCU, photo taken by RN doctor Geoff Evans of SST 3, Ajax Bay in the background, Falklands.

broken seaking helicopter falklands war.jpg

Members of 3 PARA guarding a broken Sea king, Fisherman Creek, North of Port San Carlos, Falklands. Author; Jim McCallum.

29 commando & 4th Field Regiment falklands war.jpg

Members of 29 Bty 4 RA near Bluff Cove, Falklands. Author; Stephano Giovanni.
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michigan tractors falklands war.webp

Michigan tractors of the Amphibious Beach Unit 6th Assault Sqn land on Blue Beach Two, the first of them fitted with a trackway dispenser, 21 May, Falklands.

steve taff hancock falklands war.webp

Soldier Steve Taff Hanckock of 407 RCT at Fitzroy, Falklands.

2 para mount sussex falklands war.webp

Paratroopers of B coy 2 PARA on Mt Sussex, Falklands. Author; Robert Fox.

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A Westland Sea King of 846 NAS delivers Rapier missiles of T Bty 12 Reg RA to one of the posts high above the San Carlos beach-head, Falklands.

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Royal Marines of 42 Cdo yomp across the hills around Stanley, Falklands. Yomping on this terrain with such heavy bergens was a real nightmare.

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RN doctors of Med Sqn Cdo Log Reg take time out to read a two week old newspaper, note the bomb exit hole at left edge of the image, Ajax Bay, Falklands. Author: Rick Joly.

Respect to his bravery, I will see if we can find out more about him :)

Sargento Martín René Colque "el gato cazador", he was from the group of Commandos that participated in the combats of San Carlos Bay, as commander of the "cat section", they fired their mortars until they finished the ammunition without having protection or coverage of the intense naval fire against their position; before being captured he took his beret and insignia of degree and buried them in position; he died in 2015

The peculiar thing of the uniform is the woolen sweater that it uses, it belongs to Color Sargent of the Royal Marines Commandos; his belt has on the engraved buckle the shield of the Falkland Islands.

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