Московское военное электро-техническое училище (МЭУ)
Moscow electric technical military scool, 1941

Tank riders on a Valentine tank, 11th Guards Army, 3rd Belorussian Front, October 16th, 1944. This is an early type of Valentine (a Mk.II or Mk.IV) with a 2-pounder gun that would have been ineffective against most enemy tanks still fielded.
Lieutenant-Colonel I.N. Boyko and Red Army tank crewmen. The crewman in the center wears ar captured German belt where the swastika on the buckle was punched through.
Residents of Prague greet Marshal I.S. Konev, commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front, whose troops liberated Prague from German troops on May 9-12, 1945. In 75 years "grateful descendants" will demolish the monument to the Liberator Marshal

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The last sentence needs more context, really. The main reasons for removing his statue were his post-war actions, mainly for leading the suppression of Hungarian uprising in 1956 and his involvement in delegation that was gathering informations prior to Warsaw Pact forces invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. Add to it, that for a lot of people the arrival of Soviet forces has a "bad taste" at least, considering what followed in the next months, years and decades in Czechoslovakia. And that includes the people, that were celebrating their arrival at the beginning.
Damaged by a bullet party card (No. 2535823) of the Soviet political instructor of the machine-gun company of the 316th rifle division (8th Guards) of the 16th Army of the Western Front Andrei Andreyevich Nikulin

A.A. Nikulin - born in 1911. A native of the Kostanay region of Kazakhstan. Killed in action on October 23, 1941, buried in the Zvenigorod district of the Moscow region on December 8, 1941.

Source: State Zelenograd Museum of History and Local Lore.


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