Personally, I find drug abuse and flamboyant fashion styles tedious and obnoxious; other than that, I don't care much about Johnny Depp and haven't watched any of his movies except Pirates 1 and 4. As for Amber Heard, I'd only known her name. I'd just stumbled upon footage from the trial on YouTube, apparently being already conditioned to "believe women" as I genuinely expected that weirdo to come out as guilty.
But after a while, Depp struck me as more dysfunctional than terrible – unlike Heard, who with her arrogance and self-righteousness must be an immense pain to be around. It takes a special kind of dirtbag to sit there and tell a jury they're stupid and sexist if they give credence to a dozen witnesses rather than her. Anyways, it's nuts the media say Heard was wronged and how the "sexist" jury allegedly threw all women under the bus.
The trial proved that Heard tampered with evidence and lied multiple times before and during the proceedings. More importantly, she's on tape admitting to hitting her spouse, belittling him for being "a baby about it" and mockingly daring him to tell the world and see if they'd believe him or her. It beggars belief that after so clear-cut a confession, a trial was needed to set the record straight.
I do think, though, that this trial was very necessary to remind the public of the high good that is the presumption of innocence which is why I'm glad about its outcome. "Believe women", my arse. How about "believe the truth without distinction of person".
/edited for spelling