Politics Wokism/Woke/World gone crazy

Interesting take, and it's twenty f***ing years old:
When the black people of America who changed the world -- the ones who won the most significant victory for racial equality in the history of human society -- were preparing for their demonstrations, here's what they did:

They took the tallest men out of the demonstration pool, because they might seem intimidating.

They practiced demonstrating by parading the demonstrators by a practice crowd, who would verbally and physically abuse the demonstrators -- to the point of throwing lit cigarettes in their hair. Anyone who reacted would be removed from the demonstration.

Is it any wonder that they succeeded? Is it any wonder that we stand in awe, a mere generation later, that there was legal grounds for discrimination on the basis of skin colour? It was our parents' generation. It was yesterday. And a relatively small minority of smart, strong people changed everything.

What I'm interested in, though, is this current idea of victimship. If you want to get anywhere these days, you need only to demonstrate that you're a victim -- of racial, cultural, or class discrimination, preferably. If you can do that, you will at least gain fame and attention. And for some people, that's plenty.

But I doubt that any long-lasting benefit will be gained that way. I do not deny that there are victims of racial discrimination today (numerous Muslim travellers would probably agree with me), but I do not see the people who are willing to take ownership of the problem, the people who are willing to lead with dignity rather than cower behind their complaints.

Show me a person who says, "I will take your abuse, and by taking it I will show you your error;" I will show you a leader. Gandhi knew it; Martin Luther King knew it. We are subjected to Moore-ish screed and hyperbole, when true leadership asks so much more -- and promises so much more.

Interesting take, and it's twenty f***ing years old:
Much older than that, it goes back to the early 60s. When I was a young boy everything was still like it was a day before the civil war. The downtown buses of Houston had signs that said Blacks to the Rear. All public water fountains and bathrooms were white only and black. Most businesses did not allow Blacks to even come in. The movies show it like it really was. The part I have never figured out is how is it they continue to say the Union was setting Blacks free when in fact it was not the primary reason of the civil war, it was for total control of America just like you see today with democrats now becoming the same tyrants and bad people they were then. Nothing what so ever changed for a black person in America due to the civil war. Having someone tell you that you are free don't mean squat when you are starving to death or can't find work. The civil rights act was a good thing but it was taken advantage of by democrats who were still KKK members even well into biden's early days in politics. The taught him everything he needed to know to use people just as he attempts to do today. I think America is teetering on disaster with what we saw today with a fake trial by a black prosecutor bought and paid for by george soros. Same goes for those other two fools who have been caught attempting lawfare. This is not over by a long shot today, it was a plot hatched by the democrat scumbags like pelosi and schummer and a host of other maggots behind closed doors who colluded with the entire spectrum of actors attempting to steal this election but with a new twist. These are the ones I would hang first if it were up to me. I'm afraid the country is going to go down real soon but at 76 I probably won't be around. Just as well I guess, I can hardly take care of cats today, can't bend over far enough to sit a small little container of milk on my porch for 4 young ones. I have to drop it almost a foot to the porch and loose half of it. I doubt seriously I would be able to do a thing to help my country other than cuss all these scumbags with my dying breath. I'll take it.
Pride v Palestine
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And again,
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Too funny, the left divided against itself.
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Jimmy Carr on depression, the lack of male role models and how Andrew Tate is a fourteen-years-old's idea of masculinity
Pride v Palestine
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And again,
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Too funny, the left divided against itself.
Yes Queers for Palestine, this is the real face of your "allies".

But of course you will reason until it's all your fault again.
Watch as the left starts to eat itself

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Nom Nom Nom
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Watch as the left starts to eat itself

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Nom Nom Nom
I say throw all of them in a big arena full of knives and lock the doors!
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Tell me this is a joke 🫣
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