Sigh, same tired race hustling, who NEVER had it so good! (Ask the 9 bloody MILLION non citizens who rolled in into America the past three years with just the clothes on their back, if they believe "structural racism" exists here! What pychobabble tripe!
"You are responsible for your own outcomes. Never forget it,” one user commented on MSNBC’s YouTube video of the controversial segment, which has garnered over 10,000 views in the two days since it’s been posted.
Another bashed Blackstock’s comments as part of a “systematic…victimhood culture.”
"You are responsible for your own outcomes. Never forget it,” one user commented on MSNBC’s YouTube video of the controversial segment, which has garnered over 10,000 views in the two days since it’s been posted.
Another bashed Blackstock’s comments as part of a “systematic…victimhood culture.”
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