Queue the Stones: "I see a white girl and I want to paint her black."
White people owned slaves, so F**k em.
They are all dead - all of em, 100% guaranteed, no live slave keepers in G20.
So I get that someone(white) made a ton of money back then. But they are dead, so their wealth went to their descendants, or to the state. If it were possible to trace this money, it probably went to the state. They blew it on wars, wars, wars, and a little on health care.
So there is no money for you. But that school you went to, that road you drive your SUV on, that was paid for by the state.
So you have had your money, even the black people, have had their money, as they too went to school, and drive down the roads.
Alternatively you can have your own share of the state back, that comes to -$40,000 how would madam like to pay?
Option 2 - the state will extend their debt, and fly you, all expenses paid to an african city, of your choice, AND provide 1 year of average income to support you. Total cost to the state $565 dollars. Your welcome.