Photos A Sad Tank, Infantry, Mk III Churchill


Mi Staff Sergeant
MI.Net Member
Sep 7, 2010
I took this photo at Vadim Zadorozhny's Museum of Equipment outside Moscow. It seems to be as titled above -Tank, Infantry, Mk III Churchill, Heavy? It was parked outside the restoration shed so perhaps a brighter future in due course or not . It is a bit of a sad sight but from what I can see through a round port on left it is a recovered tank. Inside there is nothing hardly. It would seem to have been pressure washed to remove internal mud and the missing round side hatches enable a look inside. You can see the gearing ring also encrusted with dried mud. Inside all that is left are two of what looks like pressure bottles on the back bulkhead. Outside at the rear over the engine is an assortment of rusty items pipes and parts of items probably put there as part of the recovered material. The gearbox shows signs of a physical attempt to disable it in that it appears to have been filled with concrete, most of which has been chiselleled away. Of course a turret is nowhere to be seen. Incidently I saw a photo of a similar with a military serial number similar to the painted on on the carcass. T 32138, and wonder if this tank had that serial once.
From Wiki
The Soviet Union was sent a total of 301 Churchill Mk III and Mk IV types as part of the Lend-Lease programme. Forty-three were lost en route on the Arctic Convoys.
In 1943, the Soviet 5th Guards Tank Army used Churchills in the Battle of Prokhorovka during the Battle of Kursk, and in the Fourth Battle of Kharkov.
Infantry Tank Mk IV Churchill (A22).webp

To compare



Dimitry Kiyatkin has an excellent link that could also be mentioned in another area of the forum and I quote his source as a REFERENCE.

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What is amazing is that front sprocket rotates effortlessly and will continue to do so for some time after. Fantastic engineering.
Great thread & Photos mate Mil-smile01

I have emailed the admin @ Primeportal for permission to use the photos by Dmitry Kiyatkin or at least for them to ask him on our behalf.
Dmitry's images will enhance this thread very nicely.

I will likely credit the images

Copyright Dmitry Kiyatkin via
Think I have found the contact details for Dmitry Kiyatkin on another website so I have emailed him directly for permission (if it is actually him of course)

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