My mates who have just finished going around and around in circles on their John Deer tractors (seeding, not harvesting at this time of year) all went to $50,000 a year private boarding schools, (quarter of a million for each kid) before most kicked on with a degree, either at an Ag College, or at Uni, mostly in Ag or horticulture/viticulture, some in media or commerce.
Their parents and grand parents have built up the farms from bugger all (in some cases, virgin mallee forest), they've bought up their neighbors farms and now they're running properties with 7 figure turn overs. Clearing sales regularly pull in a couple of million and then the land its self worth a fortune. The kids (girls too, I went to school with chicks that got into ag and are often the brains behind their farm's success) need to be highly educated to keep up these days.